
2023-08-22 15:00:13 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言笔试:80 分 口试:20 分 得分:一、听力a.听录音,找出你所听到的一组字母,并将序号填入题前括号内 :20%( )1.a、cba b、a


笔试:80 分 口试:20 分 得分:


a.听录音,找出你所听到的一组字母,并将序号填入题前括号内 :20%

( )1.a、cba b、ace c、bcd ( ) 6.a、dkg b、ekj c、dgk

( )2.a、wfg b、gwf c、fgc ( ) 7.a、mgk b、ngk c、mjk

( )3.a、oqt b、uqt c、qot ( ) 8.a、ril b、lir c、ira

( )4.a、jgq b、gjp c、qjp ( ) 9.a、pfd b、qeb c、efb

( )5.a、bus b、*ke c、dog ( ) 10.a、car b、cat c、hi

b. 听录音,选出听到的句子.10%

( ) 1. a. is the kitten very rude?

b. is the kid very rude?

c. is he very rude?

( ) 2. a. mary‘s mother is doing some cooking at home.

b. mary’s mother is doing some cleaning at home.

c. mary‘s mother is doing some shopping at the super*.

( ) 3. a. are the girls of class four playing basketball ?

b. are the girls of class four playing volleyball ?

c. are the girls of class four playing football?

( ) 4. a. which book is the boy in red reading?

b. which book is the boy in white reading?

c. which book is the boy in green reading?

( ) 5. a. i have a box of sweets.

b. i have a box of books.

c. i have a box of cakes.

c、根据听到的句子,选择正确的应答,将序号填到括号内 :6%

( ) good afternoon .

( ) fine, thank you . and you ?

( ) nice to meet you , too.

( ) ok . let’s go.

( ) you‘re welcome.

( ) yes, of course .

d、根据所听到的内容,选中文译文 :6%

( )1.a、见到我你高兴吗? b、你愿意见到我吗? c、很高兴见到你。

( )2.a、请坐。 b、请站起来。 c、请进。

( )3.a、我想要一杯冷饮。 b、我喜欢喝冷饮。 c、我可以要一杯冷饮吗?

( )4.a、请问能借我一支钢笔吗? b、请问你要借一支钢笔吗? c、请问能借我一支铅笔吗?

( )5.a、你要哪一种,长的还是短的? b、你要哪一种,薄的还是厚的? c、你要哪一种,瘦的还是胖的?

( )6.a、欢迎你。 b、不用谢。 c、你好。

二、按照顺序找出下列字母的邻居 :5%

1、l ___ 2、___ r 3、___ i i 4、u___ 5、 n ___.


thick cheap

cold young

short dirty

expensive thin

old hot

clean long

四、根据中文意思拼写单词 :5%

1、that is my __________. ( 狗狗 )

2、look at my new ____________ . (宠物 )

3、do you want some ___________(汤), dongdong?

4、it’s a nice ________________ ( 书 ).

5、remember to bring your schoolbag ____________(明天).

五、选择答案 :16%

( )1、 how are you ?

a、how are you ? b、nice to meet you .

c、good afternoon. d、fine ,thank you .

( ) 2、------which one do you like, a hard one or a soft one?

------ _______________________.

a、yes, i can. b、no, i can‘t

c、i like soft ones d、yes, of course

( )3、 _____________

my name is tom .

a、a re you tom ? b、come here ,please .

c、hello ,tom. d、what’s your name ?

( ) 4、good morning ,_____________ .

good morning , miss zhang .

a、a boy and a girl b、boy and girl .

c、boys and girls d、a boy and the girl

( )5、 ------can i have a puppy?


a、yes, i can. b、no, i can‘t.

c、no, you can’t . d、yes, you can‘t.

( ) 6、good night ,dear .

good _________ .

a、*ning ,dad b、night ,boys and girls

c、afternoon ,mum d、ningt , mum

( ) 7、 may i have some noodles, _________?

yes, of course!

a、thank you b、ok

c、right d、please

( )8、 here you are .


. a、sit down , please. b、ok

c、thank you. d、hi.

六、用of, at, on, to, in, with填空: 12%

1) we can’t have a puppy ____ my flat.

2) now my mother is ____ home.

3) i‘d like ____ buy some cakes.

4) i did not put ____ my right sock!

5) they go home happily ____ the new pet.

6) i have a box ____ sweets.

