
2023-08-23 08:57:54 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言这篇关于《浙教版小学五年级上册英语期中试卷》,是3 toothachecook()4 saturdaythursday ()5 sciencetrick()6 therethank()



3. toothachecook()4. saturdaythursday ()

5. sciencetrick()6. therethank()

7. windowshow()8. minussunday()

9. super*art()10. com*rsocial()

二、complete the sentences according to the chinese根据句意填出所缺单词 (13%)1. 对不起,你打错电话了。


2. 她在校学习哪些科目呢?

_________ ________ does he ________ at school?

3. 请你讲话大声点.

please _________ _________.

4. 我喜欢收集汽车邮票.

i like ________ ________ _________.

5. 她在和同学们玩溜溜球。

she is________ ________ with her ________.

6. 不要在墙上画画。

________ ________ on the ________.

7. 我能不能替peter要一本抄写本?

________ i have a ________ ________ peter?

8. 李辉喜欢养鱼,也喜欢种花。

li hui________ ________ ________and he ________ ________ ________ , ________.

三、multiple choice单项选择(10%)() 1. my brother ______ volleyball *ry week.

a. loveb. likesc. playd. plays

() 2. her parents like taking _______.

a. photo*. photoc. photos’d. a photo

() 3. what subject does tom study _______ school?

a. atb. afterc. ind. on

() 4. she ______ to school from monday to friday.

a. gob. goingc. is goingd. goes

() 5. there ______ some students and a teacher in the classroom.

a. haveb. bec. ared. is

() 6. -what’s ______ with you, mum?

- i have got a cold.

a. aboutb. wrongc. matterd. trouble

() 7. how many art lessons do you have _______ a week?

a. forb. thisc. ond. in

() 8. i can’t ______ my trousers, they are too small.

a: put onb: look atc: listen tod: turn on

() 9. jim goes to school ______ monday ______ friday by bus.

a. in……outb. on……underc. from……tod. for……to

() 10. sissi ______ many beautiful flower stamps.

a. haveb. arec. is collectd. has

四、complete the word in the passage according to the given alphabet and answer the questions 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整并回答问题(20%)my name is yang li. i’m a student in a primary school here. i h________ four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. i have c________, m________, e________, art, science, social science, com*r studies. i like ________. my friend sissi d________ not like music. she ________ art and com*r studies. m________ students in our school like art very much. they like ________ pictures. some students like ________. they usually p________ football and b________ after school. on saturdays and sundays, i usually d________ housework. sometimes i m________ model planes and model cars w________ my classmates.

1. how many lessons does yang li have *ryday?


2. what does sissi like?


3. what do the students like to do after school?


4. what does yang li usually do on saturdays and sundays ?


5. does she like * model planes ?


6. whom(谁) does she make model planes and cars with?


