
2023-08-29 14:15:11 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、单项选择(10分)( )11 i am good at pictures i‘d like an art teacher a draw, to be b ,draw ,being c


一、单项选择(10分)( )11.i am good at pictures. i‘d like an art teacher.a draw, to be b ,draw ,being c drawing ,to be d drawing ,being( )12.there is desk in the room. old book is on it.a a, a b a, an c ,an,a d an,a( )13. your father usually come home after work?.....at about 6:30.a how is b how does c when does d when is( )14.my mother usually at 6:00a.m in the morning.a gets up b get up c get to d gets to( )15.my parents to go out at night.a not want b not wants cdoesn’t want d don’t want( )16…. do you play com*r *s?.... once a weeka how b how often c how old d how many( )17.tom goes to school by bus because his school is very close to his home.a always b seldom c often d sometimes( )18.my brother enjoys basketball and he loves guitar,too.a playing,playing the b playing,play thec to play,playing d playing the,playing( )19… your sister sports ……..no,shea do,like,don’t b does,likes,doesn’tc does,like,doesn’t d do,like,do( )20. he doesn’t have breakfast, he feels hungry.a because,so b/,so c /,because d so,/二、语法选择(10分)my english teacher, miss smith is 26 exciting teacher. *ryone likes 27 very much. she works very hard, 28 she is often very tired. her home is about 10 kilometers 29 school. she gets up 30 six o’clock *ry day,and has a quick 31 .then she 32 school.first,she walks to the bus station. it takes about ten minutes. 33 the early bus takes her to school. the bus usually takes about 25 minutes. how long does it 34 her to school? do you know? 35 minutes.( )26. a a b the c an d/( )27. a she b her c hers d him( )28. a and b but c so d for( )29. a on b in c for d from( )30. a at b on c in d of( )31. a lunch b breakfast c supper d dinner( )32. a goes b go c goes to d go to( )33. a first b then c last d than( )34. a take b takes c taking d is taking( )35. a twenty-five b ten c thirty-five d forty-five三、完形填空(10分)jim comes from america. now he studies in no.5 middle school in beijing*ry morning he 36 no. 21 bus to school .he has four classes in the morning and two in the 37 .he speaks english very well .he often *s his chinese friends learn 38 .he doesn’t like maths. he think it’s boring. 39 favorite subject is p.e.he thinks it’s 40 . his p.e 41 is very strict with him. his last class *ry day 42 at 4:00. he can be in all kinds of activities in the 43 .jim wants to know * about chinese culture. from monday to wednesday he often does chinese kung fu.on thursday he often play chess for 44 hour. onfriday he takes part in the activities of 45 club. he likes playing guzheng and erhu .*ry afternoon he gets home about six’o clock. how busy his day is!( )36.a takes b has c gets d have( )37. a noon b night c afternoon d *ning( )38. a chinese b english c japanese d american( )39. a he b his c she d her( )40. a boring b bad c funny d relaxing( )41. a friend b mother c teacher d brother( )42. a ends b begins c works d starts( )43. a night b *ning c morning d afternoon( )44. a the b an c a d/( )45. a music b painting c chess d basketball四.阅读理解(20分)my name is rechel.i am a student in toronto,canada.it is the second largest country in size in the world.*ry day my brother andrew and i go to school at 9:00.i dislike getting up at 8:00 in the morning! when we finally get up,weneed to eat breakfast quickly at home and walk to school.at school we learn english and french,because canadian speak english andfrench. of course,we also learn history,art,science and math.my brother’s favorite sport is football. buti can’t play football at school—there are no grassy area on the playground.school ends at 3:30 andrew and i walk back home. i have to do a lot of homework first. after dinner i can relax. my favorite hobby is going for a boat-ride with dad. sometimes go to the park. i hope you can enjoy learning about my life.( )1. is the second largest in the world.a canada‘s size b canada’s population c the number of the students( ) 2.rachel and his brother go to school .a in the school bus b in their father’s car c on foot( ) 3.what language does rachel learn at school.a english and science b english and french c french and reading( )4.rachel’s brother likes best.a volleyball b football c baseball( )5.rachel has to first after school.a * his mother cook b do his home work c watch tv with his brotherhello i am jeff smith. i work in a *g com*r company. i am busy *ry day. i want to rent an old house with a beautiful garden. the house must be *g and clean. and it’s quiet in the neighborhood .i hole there is a beautiful park nearby. so my parents can take a walk in the morning or after supper .our family can have fun there on weekends,there must be a school near the house .and mydaughter can go to school by herself .she likes playing com*r *s and wants a video arcade (电子游戏中心) near the house .my wife is busy with her work .she hopes there is a *g super* in the neighborhood .she can buy some food and drinks easily. do you have such a house to rent?please call me at 13827317567.( ) 1.there are_____people in mr. smith’s family.a.3 b.4 c.5 d.6( )2.jeff wants to rent _____.a. a garden b. a new house c. a park d. a house with a garden( )3.why does jeff hope these is a *g park in the neighborhood?a. his parents can take a walk in the morning or after supper.b. his family can have fun there on weekends.c. a and b.d. his father can work there.( )4._____ likes playing com*r *s.a. jeff’s wife b. jeff’s daughter c. jeff d. jeff and jeff’s wife( )5.this is a(n) ______ .a. ad.(广告) b. letter c. story d. *jim’s timetable(课程表)time period monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday8:00-8:45 1 chinese math english chinese english8:55-9:40 2 english chinese math english math10:00-10:45 3 history english *ology math chinese10:55-11:40 4 math p . e. politics p .e. geography14:30-15:15 5 *ology music chinese history art15:25-16:10 6 geography art *ology com*r class meeting( )1. jim has _____english lessons *ry week.a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8( )2. p .e. class begins at _____ on tuesday .a. 10:00 b. 10:55 c. 8:00 d. 14:30( )3. jim is having a (an) ____ lesson at 15:00 on monday .a. music b. geography c. *ology d. art( )4. class meeting is on _____ .a. wednesday b. friday c. thursday d. tuesday( )5. jim has a com*r lesson on _____ .a. tuesday b. wednesday c. thursday d. fridaymany children like to watch tv . it’s very interesting. the programs on tv tell us many things about the country and a lot of news about the world, judy watches tv on sundays. there is an english program getting to know america. it’s her favorite program.it tells about the life of america, such as buildings,traffic, food, houses, movie stars. why does she love the program? because she likes english. she likes english best of all the subjects. when she is watching the program, she can remember *ry word she sees on tv. that *s a lot, because she learns many new words, english really interests her(令她感兴趣). she likes learning english. on weekdays, she doesn’t watch tv, but reads english story books *ry night before she goes to bed. she can learn a lot from the tv program and the story books.( )1. when does judy often watch tv?a. on sundays. b. on weekdays. c. at nigh. d. on saturdays.( )2.getting to know america is a(an)______program.a. american b. english c. japanese d. chinese( )3.why does she love the program?a. she likes english. b. she can learn a lot from it.c. it *s her a lot. d. a, b and c.( )4. the program is about_____.a. english stories b. american foodc. the life of america d. american people( )5. which one is true ?a. judy learns english at school and home.b. judy watches her favorite tv program on sunday.c. judy reads english books *ry day.d. judy likes english a little.五、首字母填空(10)1. *ryone in my class likes jack because he is very f______.2. tell me about your h______.----well, i like reading very much.3. the party usually starts at 8 p.m,and e______ at 11 p.m.4. ben always r______ a *cycle to school .5. you can watch tv after you f______ your homework.6. he is a good student, and he is n______ later for school.7. the bell r______, let’s go to have a class.8. my sister’s d______ is to be an engineer and she works hard for it.9. if you want to win the match, you need a lot of p______ first.10. mum goes to the m______ to buy vegetables and fruit.六、完成句子(14分)1. *我们通常过得很愉快。we usually ______ ______ ______ ______ on weekends.2. sally 经常在课后参加篮球比赛。sally often ______ ______ ______ basketball matches after school.3. 我家附近一间书店。there is a bookshop ______ ______ my home.4. 没有人想与吉姆交朋友。nobody wants ______ ______ ______ ______ jim.5.我愿意帮你学英语。i ______ ______ ______ * you with your english.6.我每天刷牙两次。i ______ my ______ twice a day.7.你每天晚上10点钟睡觉吗?do you ______ ______ ______ at 10:00 *ry day?七、书面表达(16分)假设你是初一(2)班的学生,请根据表格中的提示,以my daily life为题写一篇80字左右的文章,介绍你的日常生活。上午 6:30 起床,*刷牙、洗脸,吃早餐的时候喜欢听英语。7:10步行去上学。8:00 上第一节课。每天上8节课,上午5节,下午3节。下午 中午通常在学校吃午餐。4:50放学后参加体育锻炼40分钟。和同学一起打乒乓球。晚上 7:30 吃晚饭,写一个半小时作业。**睡觉。答案一、单项选择答案:11-20cbcad bbabb二、语法选择cacda bcbac三、完形填空acbbc cadba四.阅读理解acbbb cdcba abcbc abacd五、首字母填空1、funny 2、hobby 3、ends 4、rides 5、finish 6、n*r 7、ringing 8、daughter 9、practice 10、*六、完成句子1、 have a good time 2、 takes part in 3、close to 4 、to make friends with 5、would like to 6、brush teeth 7、go to bed

