初一下册英语期末试卷及答案人教版 初一下册英语书电子版

2023-08-30 11:15:17 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言ii 语言知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分为15分。)请你从a、b、c三个选项中选出能够填入空白处的*恰当的选项,*把代表该答案的字母写在


ii. 语言知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分为15分。)请你从a、b、c三个选项中选出能够填入空白处的*恰当的选项,*把代表该答案的字母写在括号内。21. —what can you see in the sky?—i can see _____________ sun. ( )a. a b. the c. ×22. —___________—very much. he thinks china is great. ( )a. how does mr hunt like china?b. what does mr hunt like in china?c. does mr hunt like china?23. —hello, grace. would you like to go to the library with me tomorrow?—sure, i’d like to. ___________ does it open?—at 9:00. let’s go at 9:30. ( )a. how b. when c. where24. —what does your father ___________ doing after work?—drinking tea with some of his friends.( )a. want b. hope c. like25. —can i * you, madam?—yes, please. i want to borrow some books ___________ chinese medicine.( )a. in b. on c. from26. —what’s ___________ hobby? are these model planes ___________?—no. they are _____________. ( )a. ann’s, her, me b. ann, hers, mine c. ann’s, hers, mine27. —what do you usually do on sundays?—i have a lot of work to do on weekdays, so i just want to stay with my family and ___________ at weekends. ( )a. have a class b. have a rest c. have a meeting28. —i want to know how you can speak such good english.—oh, i ___________ it from a foreigner in the day. and at night i __________ english tapes.( )a. study, hear b. learn, listen to c. study, listen to29. —you look ___________. what’s wrong?—my *ke is lost. please * me find it. ( )a. happy b. great c. worried30. —i want some onions.—___________ do you want?—two kilos. and ___________ a kilo?—one yuan a kilo.( )a. how many, how muchb. how much, how manyc. how much, how much31. —you often ___________ to your friends on the com*r, don’t you? —yes. and i often send e-mails to them, too. ( )a. listen b. tell c. talk32. —___________ your school clothes and ___________ this t-shirt. it’s too hot here.—oh, thank you, mum. i don’t like __________ school clothes. ( )a. put on, take off, putting onb. put on, wear, taking offc. take off, put on, wearing33. —hi, jane. my leg’s broken. i ___________ you in the hospital now.i ___________ go to school tomorrow.—oh, i’m sorry to hear that. ( )a. am calling, can’tb. call, can’tc. am calling, don’t34. —i must leave now. thank you. nice talking to you.—___________. bye. ( )a. i’d be glad to b. me too c. all right35. —do you know mr pierre?—yes. he is new here. he is ___________, but he works in ___________. ( )a. france, english b. french, england c. french, englishiii. 日常交谈(共10小题,每题1分,满分为10分。)a请把右面的积木摆放在左面对话中的适当位置,使对话完整、正确。*将代表答案的字母填写在括号内。li ying = l zhang ming = z b请根据上下文内容,完成对话。(每空字数不限)chen = c maimaiti = mm: __41______________________?c: i’m from dalian, a very beautiful city by the sea.m: __42______________________ home for your holidays?c: i usually go by ship. do you come from xinjiang?m: __43______________________. it’s far from here. i usually go home by train.c: by train? __44______________________ does it take?m: about thirty hours.c: why not go __45______________________?m: it’s too expensive.iv. 阅读理解(共15题,46—50,每题2分;51—60,每题1分,满分为20分。)athere are many english high schools *rywhere in the world (世界). in these schools, students use english in some of their lessons. most of the students here are day students. they go to school six days a week. they start lessons at 8 o’clock in the mornings and they can go home after 3 o’clock in the afternoons. in the *nings they have lots of interesting things to do. they can watch tv, play com*r *s, have dinner in a restaurant with their family or go to the cinema(*院)with their parents. sometimes they go to bed very late.a few of the students here are boarders(寄宿生). they don’t go home after lessons, but stay at school. their homes are often far away, so they eat, sleep and do their homework at school. boarders can’t go home or watch tv in the afternoons. after school, they have to go to the study hall(大厅)and do their homework from 4:30 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. they have to be in the dining room for dinner by 8 o’clock. then, at 9:00 p. m. , a teacher checks(巡视)that *ryone is in bed, and then it’s “lights out”. they mustn’t read in bed after 9:30 p. m. !阅读短文后,从每题所给的a、b、c三个选项,选出答案。46. the day students and the boarders in english high schools _________ after school.( )a. are living a very different lifeb. can do what they want toc. must study long hours47. the boarders cannot go home because __________.( )a. they have a lot of homework to dob. they live very far away from schoolc. they don’t want to live with their parents48. the students must go to bed __________. ( )a. before 9 p. m.b. at 9:30 p. m.c. after 9:30 p. m.49. the boarders can _________ before 8 o’clock in the *nings.a. go home b. watch tv c. have their dinner50. which is not true? ( )a. all the boarders are hard-working.b. some of the students in english high schools can go to the cinema in the *nings.c. before turning off the lights, a teacher must be there to see if (是否)*rybody is in bed.bmy name’s sally white. i’m 13 years old and i’m from a little town(城镇)in australia. i live with my parents and my brother. my father has a com*r shop in the town center(中心). what he likes most is to make things. he can mend different kinds of machines. there is a bright com*r in our house and we have a family website(网站)! my mother is a teacher in my school. she teaches us french. she’s good at languages and she likes singing. she can sing songs in different languages!our town is different from it in the old days. when my parents were young, most people were farmers or fishermen. now in our town, a lot of people work in car factories, offices and banks (银行). the factories are outside the town, and offices and banks are in the center. in summer, a lot of people work in the hotels near the sea. in our town, there are many nice parks to go in the *nings and at weekends. young people like going to the parties and the cinema. there are also four discos(迪厅)in our town for them. old people like fishing in a boat or by the sea and they also like having their dinners in the restaurants. a lot of people do sports: football, swimming, and *cycle riding. there is a *g new sports stadium(露天大型运动场)in the center of town, and they watch football matches there *ry weekend.阅读短文后,按照段落(paragraph)分别填写下列表格。the first paragraphsally’swhat does he (she) do?what does he (she) like doing?he (she) is good at…fatherhe’s a shopkeeper.51he’s good at mending machinesmother525354the second paragraph what do (did) people do in the town?where do (did) they work?in the old days55they worked on their farms or at sea.nowthey’re workers, officers, or businessmen.56注意:did,were,分别是do和are的过去时,是过去(in the old days)发生的动作。the third paragraphwhat do the young people like doing?what do the old people like doing?what sports do many people like?they like going to the parties, cinema or discos.


58csaturday is our busy day, so we have a saturday boy, jim, to * us. he only works on saturdays because he’s still at school. he does a lot of work—you know, he cleans the floor, makes tea and coffee, puts tags(价签)on the books. sometimes he *s us to sell books. there are a lot of boxes full of books and dictionaries to unpack(打开包装)on saturdays. jim does that too. his work is not heavy but it isn’t interesting. jim is busy all day but he always looks happy. he is saving money now and he wants to make * money to buy a new com*r.阅读短文,*根据短文的内容回答问题。59. where does jim work on saturdays?_______________________________________________________60. does jim like his saturday job? why or why not?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________v. 学习技能(共10个单词,满分为5分)请仔细观察下面的图形,根据线段的提示在圆圈中填写相应的单词,使句子完整、正确。(a) (b) vi. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共5分。)make the bed, go to work,do some cooking, have sports, be over71. it is 4:30. my classmates and i ______________ on the playground.72. mrs morison ______________ very early. she is always the first to get to her office.73. school ______________, but many students are still in their classroom.74. jack is six years old, but he can ______________ after he gets up.75. my mother usually ______________. she cooks very well.vii. 初级写作(满分为10分。)从你的笔友kate的e-mail获悉,她想了解你家的饮食情况。假如你是张红,请你按照下面表格的内容,给kate回信。表中有“……”的地方请根据情况自己发挥填写。书信的开头和结尾已给出,字数:60字左右。

