七年级上册期中英语试卷及答案 七年级下英语期中试卷及

2023-09-01 12:45:25 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)a) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,选出选项。每段对话读两遍。1 where is mr king


一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)a) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,选出选项。每段对话读两遍。1. where is mr.king from?2. what sport does the girl like?3. what’s bob’s telephone number?a. 87229586 b. 87225986 c. 8725298*.how does the girl go to school *ry day?5. where does annie live now?a. in nanjing. b. in yangzhou. c. in suzhou.6. how many girls are there in *ll’s cla ss?a. 12. b.18. c. 30.7. which class is the girl in?a. class 1. b. class 2. c. class 8.8. what does jack want to do first?a. play com*r *s. b. play with susan. c. do his homework.9. what colour does the girl like best?a. orange b. white c. red10. why does eric go to school late?a. because he goes to bed late. b. because he gets up late. c. because he is sad.b) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。11. what subject does amy like best?a. chinese b. *ology c. english12. what subject is the boy good at?a. chinese b. *ology c. english听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容从a. b. c.三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成*记录表。school lifeenvironment (环境) it is very *g with many trees and flowers. we can 13under the *g trees.teachers they are 14 to us. they often * us with our study.subjects we have math, chinese, english and so on. i like music best.activities there are many 15 . we can play basketball.13. a. sing b. read c. dance14. a. *ful b. bad c. kind15. a. sports clubs b. music clubs c. reading clubs________________________________________听第三段独白,回答第16—20小题。16. where does kitty come from?a. hainan. b. nanjing. c. beijing.17. what do kitty’s parents do?a. workers. b. doctors. c. teachers.18. how old is kitty?a. 13. b. 12. c. 11.19. what does kitty usually do after school?a. going to the music rooms. b. going swimming. c. reading books in the library.20. what sport does kitty like best?a. volleyball. b. dancing. c. swimming.二、单项选择 (本大题共15分,每小题1分)21.----- who is nice woman with glasses?------she is english teacher in our school.a. the, an b. /, an c.the, a d. a, an22. let jim __________ the classroom for us, he is *ful.a.cleans b. cleaning c. to clean d. clean23._________ a happy dog. _________ name is spotty.a. its, it’s b. it’s, its c. its, its d. it’s, it’s24.——_______ does he look? ——he looks short strong.a. what,but b. what, or c. how, but d. why ,and25. -----he is a good , he is good at ________.-----so he is .a. run; running b.runer; running c.runner; runing d.runner; running26.----- your name lee ming ? ------yes , .a.are , i am b. is , i am c.is , it is d.are , it is27.______ sunday morning, li hua goes to visit the museum _________ a *g garden in front.a. on; with b. on; has c. in; has d. in; with28. ---what about to ho family garden(何园) for a trip?---good idea ,let’s have great fun!a. go,a b. going , 不填 c. going, a d. to go,不填29.--- -- your father and brother like football?-----like most men,they like it very much.a. is b.are c. do d. does30. ---- your children know about china,mr. lee?----of course,they are all old china hands(中国通) like me .a.does,a lot of b. do , a lot c.does, a lot d.do, lots of31. jim with his parents ___________ tv *ry night.a. enjoys watching b. enjoy watchingc. enjoy to watch d. enjoys to watch32. --- mr.hu’s students practise english *ry day ? --- of course.a. do speaking b. is to speakc. does speak d. are speaking33. --- mr wu hopes will have the drawing lessons tomorrow.--- oh, dear. i wanted to * me do the cleaning.a. amy and me; she and her b. amy and i; you and shec. amy and me; her and you d. amy and i; you and her34. --- can you _________ my dog when i am on holiday, tom? ---- sure.a. look at b. look for c. look like d. look after35--- i’ll go for a picnic tomorrow with my parents.--- ___________.a. good luck b. that’s all right c. have a good time d. that’s right三 、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出选项(共15分;每空1分)who is cl*rer, the son or the father?mr clarke works in a middle school. he likes reading and often 36 some books from the library. he enjoys 37 to the radio *ry morning and reading 38 after supper. so he knows much and teaches well. his 39 worship (崇拜) him very much. mike, mr clarke’s little son, is only nine. he 40 likes reading books. and he often asks his father some questions. mr clarke always thinks he’s too 41 to understand him and chooses(挑选) the easiest ones 42 . of course the boy is not happy with it.one day mike reads 43 about the electric lights (电灯) and is 44 in it. when his father tells him to do some housework, he is thinking of it. he asks him 45 questions, and his father answers all. then his father says proudly (自豪地), “fathers always know * than sons!” the boy thinks 46 a while (一会儿) and says,“ 47 !”“oh? why?”mike doesn’t answer 48 asks instead (反而), “who invents(发明) the electric lights?”“ 49 ”answers mr clarke.“why doesn’t his father invent them, then?”looking at his son, mr clarke doesn’t know 50 to answer!36. a. finds b. sells c. buys d. borrows37. a. watching b. listening c. going d. coming38. a. news*s b. letters c. stories d. books39. a. teachers b. parents c. students d. classmates40. a. also b. n*r c. *r d. only41. a. old b. young c. cl*r d. able42. a. answer b. answering c. answered d. to answer43. a. *rything b. nothing c. something d. anything44. a. popular b. interested c. afraid d. worried45. a. few b. little c. a few d. a little46. a. of b. about c. for d. at47. a. i don’t think so b. me, too c. you aren’t right d. i think so48. a. but b. and c. then d. or49. a. thomas brown b. allan smith c. thomas edison d. ron jenkins50. a. when b. what c. where d. why四.阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选出选项。(本大题30分,每题2分)(a)51. sunny english club is for ___________.a. nurses b. policemen c. businessmen d. students52. you can visit ocean museum ___________.a. on saturday b. on wedne sday c. on monday d. anytime53. you can get free examinations(体检)in subei hospital if(如果)you are______.a. 9 b. 17 c. 67 d. 73(b)all students need to have good study ha*ts(习惯). when you have good study ha*ts, you will learn things quickly, and also remember them easily.do you like to study in the living room? this is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. you need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. a quiet place will * you only to think about one thing.when you study, do not think about other things at the same time. only think about your homework. if you do this, you will do your homework * quickly, and you will make fewer mistakes(错误).good study ha*ts are very important. if you don't have them, try to learn them. if yours are already good, try to make them better.54. when you have good study ha*ts, you will _______.a. learn things quickly b. remember things easilyc. think about one thing d. both a and b55. the living room is not a good place for study because it is too _______.a. quiet b. noisy c. good d. clean56. what must you only think about when you study?a. mistakes. b. other things. c. our homework. d. good study ha*ts.( c )one afternoon mrs. green says to her hu*and, “jack, there is a meeting of our women’s at mrs. brown’s house at supper time today, and i want to go to it. i will leave you some fish for supper. is that all right?”“oh, yes,” her hu*and answers, “that’s all right. what are you going to leave for my supper? ” “this tin(罐头)of fish,” mrs. green says, “and there are some cold potatoes and some peas here, too.”then mrs. green goes to her meeting. all the women have supper at mrs. brown’s house and at nine mrs. green comes back home. “is your fish nice, jack?” she asks. “yes, but my feet are hurt,” he answers. “why are they hurt?” mrs. green asks.“well, on the tin it says---open the tin and stand in hot water for five minutes.”57. mr. green has supper _______.a. outside b. at home c. at mrs. brown’s house d. his friend’s house58. what does mr. green have for supper that night?a. a tin of fish, cold potatoes and peas. b. a tin of fish, tomatoes and peas.c. some fish and fruit. d. some vegetables.59.according to the context,what does “hurt” mean in chinese ?a. 舒服的 b. 难受的 c. 开心的 d. *的60.what’s the real meaning of the instructions(说明) on the tin?a. put the tin into hot water and warm it b. hold (抓)the tin and stand in hot waterc. stand in hot water and eat fish d. stand in hot water and call his wife(d)each team has three players and a coach(教练). the basketball players are running and jumping in the hot sun. music is all around. in just twelve minutes, the * is over. but a new one starts right away. how exciting!this is street-ball. it’s much like basketball. but it’s faster. people play it outside and it’s interesting. usually, children play street-ball on an open court. they use only half of the court. what they need is a basketball goal (球框). children love lots of things about the *. “it’s very nice to be outside in the sun. and the music is great”, said jane, four*, a girl in beijing.some say street-ball was from europe (欧洲), others say it came from america. but now, boys and girls in many countries like to play it. street-ball is a * for all.61. how many players are there in each street-ball team?a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 462.street-ball is much like _________.a. basketball b. tennis c. football d. badminton63.which one is not right?a. the * is over in twelve minutes. b. people usually play a street-ball outside.c. only girls like to play the *. d. they use only half of the court.*.where was the * from?a. europe. b. america. c. china. d. a or b.65. what’s the best title(题目)of this passage?a. different ball *s b. street-ball: an exciting *c. how to play street-ball d. street-ball and basketball五、词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,每空一词)66. it’s useful to have a_____________(父*) meeting twice a year.67. the girl _____________(穿着) a pink dress looks very cute.68. of all the subjects ,______________(地理) is my favourite.69. do you want to play volleyball at ?(*)70. my cousin likes football ,messi and c.ronaldo are his__________(偶像).71. ---how often does millie go to he r ______________ (swim) lesson? ---sorry, i have no idea.72.andrew , your dog for a walk once a day.(take)73. the red jacket is one of the ______________(play) on the playground.74. tom, like his classmates, often ____________ (fly) kites in the open air..75. nba player spud webb is short ,but he plays basketball very .(good)六、任务型 阅读(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,每空一词)how to deal with homesickness(想家/思乡)when children are out , like at a summer camp (夏令营) or a friend’s house, they may feel sad, and start to miss (想念) their beds, their dad and mum, and all the things at home. we call it being homesick. let me tell you some ways about how to deal with it:have a good timewhen you do interesting things, you will have no time to feel homesick, and soon you will start to have a good time.contact (联系) your family and friends.for a night visit, you can all your parents once that night, and again in the morning. in a camp, you can call them once a day. you can also e-mail them. if you are away for a long time, you can write a letter. when you contact them, please tell them your happiness (快乐).talk to someone.tell someone you feel homesick, and it can make you feel better(更好), for example, you can talk to other children in the camp. you can also talk to your teacher and he/ she will give you some ideas to * you.七、短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分;计10分)(每空一词)on weekdays mary usually gets up at 5:30. she dresses herself, w 86 her face and does morning e 87 . she has breakfast at 6:30 and then she goes to school. she goes there b 88 *ke. she gets to school at about 7:15 *ry day. she doesn’t like to be late. classes begin at 8:00. in class she l 89 to the teachers carefully(仔细地), and she s 90 hard at her lessons. she usually has bread and a g 91 of milk in the middle of the day. classes are over(结束) at 4:30. after class she likes dancing and s 92 . sometimes she throws a fri*ee (飞碟) w 93 her classmates. she gets home at 5:30. in the *ning, her parents come back from w 94 . they have supper at 7:00.in the *ning she does her homework. s 95 she watches tv or reads storybooks. she goes to bed at nine. this is mary’s school day.八、书面表达(计30分)a.句子翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)1.谢谢你带我们参观你们学校的阅览室。2.别做早操了,该是我们回家的时候了。3.james每天花费多长时间做家庭作业?4.tony擅长*足球,他是足球俱乐部的一员。5.周二下午我们经常在树下彼此交谈。b.作文(20分)你以前的小学同学贾斯汀(justin)和他的父母一起搬到了城里,并在那里学习生活,那里学习很紧张,整天很忙。请根据下面的要点,以“my good friend ---justin”为题,写一篇介绍justin学习和生活的一篇文章,可适当扩展,字数70字左右,开头不计入总字数。姓名 justin在新东方学校(new oriental school)读 七年级年龄 13岁 和**住在一所公寓里学校 学校大、漂亮、很近,步行上学,学校老师和同学友好热心。爱好 游泳;篮球 擅长绘画、数学;很少看电视个性 和善,乐于助人 常常在学习上帮助他人英语期中调研试卷答案四、阅读理解(每小题2分,计30分)51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 * 65d a d d b c b b d a c a c d b五、词汇运用(每小题1分,计10分)66. parents’ 67. wearing/in 68. geography 69. weekends 70. *es71. swimming 72. take 73. players’ 74. flies 75. well六、任务型阅读(每小题1分,计10分)76. homesickness 77. out 78. ways 79. fun 80. e-mail81. letter 82. happy 83. member 84. *ful 85. children七、缺词填空(每小题1分,计10分)86. washes 87. exercises 88. by 89. listens 90. studies91. glass 92. singing 93. with 94. work 95. sometimes八、书面表达 (计30分)a.句子翻译(计10分)( 答案有数种,照抄需谨慎)96. thanks for showing us around your school reading room97. don’t do morning exerrcises,it’s time to go home98. how long does it take james to do home work *ry day?99. tony is good at playing football,he is a member of the football club100.on tuesday afternoon,we aften chat with each other under the treeb 作文(略)七年级听力材料:一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)a)听下面10段对话。选出选项,每段对话读两遍。1. w: who is tha t tall man? is he from the usa?m: oh ,he is mr.king,he is from xing jiang ,china .he teaches english well.2. m: what’s your favourite sport?w: i like swimming very much. but my father enjoys volleyball.3. w: what’s your telephone number, bob? m: it’s 87229586.4. m:do you often ride a *ke to school ?w: no, i usually go t o school on foot.5. m: annie, do you come from nanjing? w: yes, but i live in yangzhou now.6. w: how many stu dents are there in your class, *ll?m: there are 30, and 18 of them are boys .7. m: hi, i’m tony, i am in class 2 grade 8.w: hi, my name is lily. i’m in class 1 grade 8. nice to meet you.8. w: would you like to play com*r *s, jack?m: yes, i’d like to. but i want to do my homework first, susan.9. m:lucy, do you like red or white? w: i like red. but i like orange best.10. w: eric, why are you late for school? m: i’m sorry. i get up late.b) 听对话或独白。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。m: hi, amy, do you like chinese?w: no, my favourite subject is english. what about you?

