初一上册期中试卷及答案参考 初一生物上册期中试卷及答案

2023-09-01 14:15:27 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言第i卷i 听力理解(20分)(ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与之相符的图片。(5分)(ⅱ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 听两遍后,


第i卷i. 听力理解(20分)(ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与之相符的图片。(5分)(ⅱ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 听两遍后, 选择答案。(5分)( )6. a. it’s in front of the school. b. it’s behind the park. c. it’s in front of the park.( )7. a. at 9: 00. b. at 9: 15. c. at 9: 45.( )8. a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. he is a worker.( )9. a. tea. b. juice. c. water.( )10. a. tom’s uncle. b. tom’s father. c. tom doesn’t know him.(ⅲ)录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择答案。(5分)听第一段对话, 回答第11、12小题。( )11. where are tommy and tony from?a. they are from england. b. they are from america.c. they are from china.( )12. what do they like?a. they like playing basketball. b. they like playing football.c. they like playing basketball and football.听第二段对话, 回答第13~15小题。( )13. what does the woman want to buy?a. a doll. b. a t-shirt. c. a cake.( )14. what colour does her daughter like?a. blue. b. green. c. red.( )15. how much is the t-shirt?a. 25 yuan. b. 50 yuan. c. 15 yuan.(ⅳ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 选择答案。(5分)( )16. i am.a. in school b. twelve c. thir*( )17. sally is.a. a teacher b. a student c. a doctor( )18. sally’s schoolbag is.a. new b. old c. on the bed( )19. the desk in the room is.a. black b. white c. blue( )20. is a bus driver.a. sally b. sally’s father c. sally’s motherⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )21. jane is. she is from.a. england; english b. an english; englandc. english; english d. a english; england( )22. there isn’tbeef in the fridge. i must buytoday.a. some; some b. any; anyc. any; some d. some; any( )23. —what’s your name, please?—a. i’m a teacher. b. his name is paul.c. how do you do? d. i’m li lei.( )24. i don’t like running, i like swimming.a. and b. but c. with d. so( )25. —this your family?—yes, these are my parents and thosemy brothers.a. is; are b. are; are c. is; is d. are; is( )26. interesting story it is!a. what an b. what c. how an d. how( )27. —what’s this in english?—a com*r.a. this is b. it is c. that is d. they are( )28. betty is in jinanher parents.a. and b. with c. for d. to( )29. —have you got any fruit, helen?—a. yes, i am. b. no, i don’t. c. yes, i have. d. no. i hasn’t.( )30. —do you have for dinner?—a *g hamburger.a. who b. what c. where d. when( )31. look at the *g room. it’s.a. * and ann b. *’s and annc. * and ann’s d. *’s and ann’s( )32. —are there any shops near your home?—yes, .a. it is b. they are c. there is d. there are( )33. —is your father a teacher or a worker?—a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. a worker. d. i don’t know.( )34. theytv in the *ning *ry day.a. are watching b. watch c. watched d. watches( )35. —?—it’s monday.a. what’s this b. what day is it todayc. how’s the weather d. what’s the timeⅲ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)this is a photo of mr. king’s family. mr. and mrs. king36two sons and a daughter. they are in england. mrs. king is37chinese teacher. mr. king is a bus driver. 38daughter is el*n and39is a student. her name is kathy. she is in class four40no. 1 middle school. there are thirty students in her class. tom and david41her brothers. they are nine years old. they are42. they are43, too. they go to school at 7: 30. they have44in the morning and two in the afternoon. tom and david like45and they play it *ry day. they love their sister very much.( )36. a. there are b. there is c. has got d. have got( )37. a. a b. an c. the d. /( )38. a. they b. them c. their d. our( )39. a. he b. his c. she d. her( )40. a. in b. for c. on d. with( )41. a. be b. am c. is d. are( )42. a. younger b. older c. *gger d. smaller( )43. a. friends b. brothers c. students d. boysw w( )44. a. breakfast b. four classesc. some bread d. a break( )45. a. school b. teachers c. chinese d. footballⅳ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)athere are three people in my family. they are my father,my mother and me. my father is a teacher. he teaches english. my mother is a teacher, too. she teaches chinese. i am a student. i’m in class two. i like my father and my mother and my parents like me very much(非常).( )46. how many people are there in my family?a.two. b. three. c. four.( )47.what is my father?a.chinese. b. english. c. teacher.( )48.which class am i in?a.class two. b. class three. c. class four.( )49.what does my mother teach?a.chinese. b. english. c. maths.( )50.does my mother like me?a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesn’t. c. yes, she doesn’t.bmy name’s tony and i’m english. these are my parents. my mother is an english teacher in a university in beijing. this is my father. he’s a hotel ma*r.my name’s li daming. i’m chinese. these are my parents. my mother is a doctor at the hospital. my father is a factory ma*r.( )51. tony is _________.a. english b. england c. china( )52. tony’s mother is _________.a. an english teacher b. a hotel ma*r c. a doctor( )53. –is tony’s father a hotel ma*r? - __________a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. he is a teacher.( )54. in english “工厂经理” is __________a. hotel ma*r b. factory ma*r c. ma*r( )55. what’s daming’s mother?a. a work b. a teacher c. a doctor第ⅱ卷ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)(ⅰ)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)56. i like eating m, like chicken and beef.57. there are s*n days in a w.58. —where’s your mother?—she is * cakes in the k.59. eating a lot of(蔬菜)is good for our health.60. —what’s your father?—he is a(农民).(ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)61. tomorrow(be)my *rthday. i’ll have a party.62. let’s(buy)her a new phone.63. there are a lot of(potato)in the bag.*. (this)are my english story books.65. lucy is the(one)student to get full marks(得满分).ⅵ.句型转换(每小空1分,满分10分)66. are there any books in the bag? (作肯定回答)__________,there________.67. his pen is on the desk.(对画线部分提问)________ _________ his pen?68. lingling is twelve years old. (对画线部分提问)_______ _______ is lingling?69. there are some flowers on the table.(改为否定句)there_________ _________ flowers on the table.70. 大明在哪儿?(翻译成英语)__________ __________ daming?ⅶ.补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出正确答案补全对话。a: betty, please look at the photo. 71.b: no, she is my friend.a: 72.b: susan brown. she likes music. 73.a: who’s the man? is he her father?b: yes. 74. he can speak english.a: is the woman her mother?b: yes, she is.a: 75.b: she is a hotel ma*r.ⅷ.任务型阅读(5分)hello, *ryone! my name is betty. i’m thir* years old. i’m in class two, grade s*n. today i want to tell you something about my school.there are 2, 000 students in my school. ①我们有32个教室。in our school we have a *g library. it’s② behind our classrooms. there are many books in it. we can read them and learn a lot from them. the science labs are next to the library. behind the library and the science labs there is a dining hall. after school, we have our meals there. it’s③our playground. after school, we can play table tennis, football and basketball in the playground. some of us love running. we can also run there.76. 将①处的句子译为英语。____________________________________________________________________77. 将②处的反义词填在③处。____________________________________________________________________78. 判断句子正误(t/f)。()the dining hall is behind the library and the science labs.79. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。where can we play table tennis, football and basketball?____________________________________________________________________80. 请给文章添加一个合适的标题。____________________________________________________________________ⅸ.书面表达(满分5分)假如你是大明,根椐表格内容写一则自我介绍。注:须包括表格*,字迹工整,语句通顺,50词以上。1 姓名 daming2 年龄 123 来自于 china4 职业 student5 班级 class one6 喜欢的颜色 red7 喜欢的食物 eggs8 喜欢的运动 running9 会做 play football10 不会做 play the piano____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________七年级英语答案

ⅳ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)46--50. b c a a a 51--55. a a a b cⅴ. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)(ⅰ) 56. meat57. week58. kitchen59. vegetables 60. farmer(ⅱ) 61. is62. buy63. potatoes*. these65. firstⅵ.句型转换(每小空1分,共10分)66.yes, are 67.where is 68. how old 69. aren’t any 70.where isⅶ. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)71—75 ceadbⅷ.任务型阅读(每小题1分,共5分)76. we have got thirty-two classrooms.77. in front of 78. t 79. in the playground. 80. my schoolⅸ.书面表达(共5分)one possible version:my name is daming. i’m twelve years old. i come from china. i’m a student and i’m in class one. i like red, and my favourite food is eggs. i like running. i often play football, but i can’t play the piano.

听力录音稿1. she has a beautiful flower.2. i want to go swimming.3. john will give her mother a *rthday cake on her *rthday.4. mary is in the hospital now.5. i like listening to music.6. m: excuse me? where’s the shop?w: it’s in front of the park, just behind the school.q: where’s the shop?7. m: when shall we meet tomorrow?w: what about a quarter past nine?q: when will they meet?8. m: where does mr. zhang work?w: he works in a car factory.q: is mr. zhang a worker?9. m: lucy, what would you like to drink, tea or juice?w: i don’t like either of them. some water, please.q: what does lucy want to drink?10. w: tom, is the man your father?m: no, he isn’t. i don’ t know him.q: who’s the man?m: hello! helen. who are the two boys?w: they are tommy and tony. they are my friends.m: are they english?w: no, they are americans.m: do they like playing basketball?w: no, they like playing football.m: can i * you, madam?w: i want to buy a t-shirt for my daughter.m: which t-shirt does she like?w: she likes red ones. red is her favourite colour.m: what about this one?w: how much is it?m: it’s 50 yuan.w: ok. i’ll take it. here’s the money.sally and i are in the same school. sally is twelve years old and i am thir*. we’re good friends. this is sally’s room. it’s *g. a white desk is in the room. there are some english books on the desk. the schoolbag is blue. it’s new.sally’s father is near the desk. he’s about forty. he’s a bus driver. where is her mother? she is near the desk, too. she is a teacher at no. 5 middle school.

