小学英语二年级月考试题第二学期 小学英语二年级上册试题

2023-09-03 15:30:18 666阅读 投稿:网友



一. 听力部分(40%)

1. listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的单词)10%

1) bowl ( ) boat ( ) 2) summer ( ) supper ( )

3) soup ( ) soap ( ) 4) wind ( ) window( )

5) moon ( ) room ( ) 6) dirty ( ) *rd ( )

7) eat ( ) egg ( ) 8) on ( ) under ( )

9) cook ( ) clock ( ) 10) eight ( ) light ( )

2. listen and finish (听录音,完成下列单词)10%

1)b___ ___sh 2)th___ ___sty 3)*___ ___cle 4)t___ ___el 5)wi___ ___

6)g___ ___e 7)chris___ ___as 8)li___ ___t 9)t___ ___i 10)p___ ___cil

3. listen and number (听录音,按顺序给下列图编号)10%

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

4.listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

1) ( ) give me that hat.

( ) give that cat to me.

2) ( ) he‘s an old postman.

( ) he’s a fat policeman.

3) ( ) there is a *n for you.

( ) there is a bag for you.

4) ( ) close your books.

( ) clean your box.

5) ( ) i like summer. i can see flowers in summer.

( ) i like winter. i can see snow in winter.

5. listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)5%

1) do you want ________(somesoup) cakes?

2) don‘t ________(cleanclimb) the tree.

3) there is some soup in the ________(bowlglass).

4) spotty is ________(onunder) the sofa.

5) at night, i brush my ________(face eeth).

二. 阅读部分:60%

1think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%

1) ___ ___c 2) ___ f ___ 3) p ___ ___

4) ___ s___ 5) ___ ___z

2. finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%

l___nch bre___kf___ ___t t___me wa___c ___ d___nne___

sch___o___ nigh___ d___y clo___k fi___e

3. read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 5%

1) three tree four five

2) shirt socks snow tie

3) tree under in on

4) spoon meat soup fish

5) panda hot dog horse dog

4. read and circle(根据图片圈出正确的句子)5%

1) 2)

a. the policeman is fat. a. spotty can jump.

b. he is a postman. b. the cat can climb the tree.

3) 4)

a. the wind is blowing. a. i see a lamp on the table.

b. it’s summer. b. the book is under the desk.


a. in my room, there‘s a bed.

b.that’s a *g sofa.

5. look and choose(看图,选择填空)8%

1) ( ) there is a bed in ______ room.

a.i b. my c. may

2) ( ) there ______ three books in it.

a. are b. have c. is

3) ( ) the cat is ______ a book.

a. writing b. reading c. drawing

4) ( ) there is a bag ______ the table.

a. on b. in c. under

5) ( ) there are some ______ on the table.

a. presents b. juice c. pens

6) ( ) i see ______.

a. a doll b. three kites c. two tables

7) ( ) my friend and i are ______.

a. eating b. reading c. singing

8) ( ) there ______ a ball on the bed.

a. is b. are c. is not

6. read andchoose(选出正确的答句)5%

1)( )what can you hear?

a. i can see a horse.

b. i can hear a horse.

2)( )may i have a cake?

a.o.k. here you are.


3)( )what do you like to eat?

a.i like to play on the grass.

b. i like to eat mooncakes.

4)( )the dog is my friend.

a.he has two red eyes and two long ears.

b. he has two black eyes and two *g ears.

5)( )it‘s cold today.

a.put on your coat.

b.take off your coat.

7. look and circle(看一看,圈出与单词或词组相应的图)7%

8. look, choose and write(看图,选词填空)5%

sing with o’clock draw like

the girls ________ dolls. they play ________ their dolls *ry morning. it is two ________. the girls are not playing with the dolls now. peter and alice ________ pictures. sam and joyce ________ a song. they are happy.

