
2023-09-04 08:36:46 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:笔试部分(满分为80分)一、 词汇(vocabulary)满分为10分。a 看图写出他们的职业。21 22 23 24 25 b


第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:笔试部分(满分为80分)一、 词汇(vocabulary)满分为10分。a.看图写出他们的职业。21. 22. 23. 24. 25.b.单词拼写。26.a shop __________(助手) sells things in a shop.27.these young men are all police ___________(警官).28.my little brother wants ____________(成为) a doctor when he grows up.29. there is a _______________(杂志)on the desk.30.i know some famous____ ______(演员).二、 单项选择(choose the best answer for the following sentences)10分( )31.that’s ______ interesting work.a. a b. an c. the d. /( )32.--__________ – i’m a reporter.a. what do you do? b.who are you? c. what are you? d. both a and c.( )33. ______ does your father work? --- in a hospital.a.what b.how c.where d.which( )34.it’s_______ to climb the tall tree, be careful.a.*er b.*erous c.busy d.difficult( )35. the woman can speak _______ chinese.a. a little b. a few c. lot of d. many( )3 6.there are three _______ in the office.a. policeman b. policemen c. polices d. p olicewoman( )37. i like to_______ with my fri ends.a. speak b. say c. tell d. talk( )38. he wants to be an actor________it’s an exciting job.a. and b. so c. because d. why( )39.our school is ________children _______6-12.a. in, for b. for, in c. of, for d. for, of( )40. does mr. white __________ in beijing?a. likes working b. likes work c. like working d. like work三、 句型转换(rewrite the sentences in another way)(计10分)41.my mother works in a restaurant.(划线部分提问) ______ _______ your mother ________?42.mary likes singing. (改为一般疑问句) _______ mar y _______ singing?43.jim’s parents speak english and chinese.(改为否定句) jim’s parents english and chinese.44. what’s her job?(改为同义句) ?45.work , for , can , you , a ,news*. ? (组词成句) ?四、补全对话(complete the dialogue)(计5分)五、完型填空(cloze test)(计10分)i work in a small shop. it's near an english 51 . *ry day, students come to 52 things.in the morning, i get up 53 six and then have breakfast. i go to 54 by *ke. i 55 to the shop at about six forty. the shop 56 at s*n. we sell things 57 food and drink. we have school things, too. so there 58 often many people in our shop 59 morning to *ning.i have 60 in the shop. at s*n in the *ning the shop is closed.( )51、a.farm b.factory c.school d.river( )52、a.buyb.sell c.take d.want( )53、a.on b.inc.at d.from( )54、a.school b.bed c.classd.work( )55、a.go b.get c.stay d.look( )56、a.open*.openc.is opening d.is opened( )57、a.with b.like c.ford.about( )58、a.areb.havec.see( )59、a.in b.onc.at d.from( )60、a.supper b.breakfast c.tead.lunch五、阅读理解(reading)(计25分)。a( )61.mr smith works in ______ ___.a. a hospital b. a police station c. a school d. a restaurant( )62.mr smith is good at __________.a. chinese b. japanese c. spanish d. french( )63.he learns chinese __________ .a. very well b. not very well c. we don’t know d. very good( )*.where does he learn chinese? _________.a. in an *ning school . b.at home. c. in his friend’s home. d. in a park.( )65.does he study very hard ? _________.a. yes, he doesn’t. b. no, he doesn’t. c. yes, he does. d. no, he don’t.b( )66.my family has four people, my father, my mother, my sister and i.( )67.my father works in another city, so we can’t see him all day, sometimes.( )68.my mother likes to be a bank clerk.( )69.my brother works in a restaurant. he likes to make new friends.( )70.i wan t to be a teacher. it’s easy for me ,i please tell me what they do ?71.cook is a ________ __. 72. smith is a ________ _.73.carter is a _______ _ . 74.miller is a ________ _.75.cook, smith, carter and miller are __________________.四、 写作(writing)8分 书写(handwriting)2分。假设你是某公司的经理,你想在某报纸上发布一则招工广告。现在请你根据下面名片的内容,写一则广告。听力材料及参考答案一、听力材料1. mrs. brown works in a school.2. my sister is a sales assistant3. rose can cook very well.4. my mother's job is to * doctors. she works in a hospital5. my brother is a football coach6. a: who’s that man over there? b:he is my uncle. he is a bank clerk.question: where does that man work?7. a: do you like your job ? b: not at all. it isn’t interesting .question: what does the man think of his job?8. do you want to be a teacher, tim? b: no, i don’t. i want to be a policeman. what about you, gina?a: i want to be a nurse. question: what does gina want to be ?9. a: do you count money *ry day ? b: no, i don’t. i talk to people and write stories *ry day.question: is the woman a reporter or a bank clerk ?10. a: is that man the famous teacher ? b: yes, he is . he teaches us english.question: what does the famous teacher teach?11. i’m bob. i’m a middle school student. my father is a reporter and my mother is a teacher.i have a sister,she is a student. these are my friends tom and mary. tom’s father is a doctor. his mother is a driver. his aunt is a reporter, too. mary’s father is a policeman. her mother and grandpa are both doctors. mary’s aunt is an actor. tom, mary and i are good friends.二、参考答案:1-5 cbacb 6-10 bccab 11-20 bob--- ae j tom---- bdg mary---- cfhi21-25 teacher student cook doct or poleceman26-30 assistant officers to be magazine actors31-40 bdcba bdcdc41 where does work 42 does like 43. don’t speak 44. what does45. can you work for a news*? 46. what 47. bank clerk 48. where49. what do you want to be? 50. a reporter.51-60 cacdb abadd61-65 ccbac 66-70 ffftt71-75 teacher driver farmer doc tor friends

