小学一年级上册英语期末试卷三套精选 小学一年级科学上

2023-09-09 18:45:15 666阅读 投稿:网友



i. listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内) 12%

1. a. pd b. bd 2. a. rp b. pr

3. a. tl b. tj 4. a. un b. m n

5. a. p q b. q p 6. a. a r b. i r

7. a. horse b. bear 8. a. table b. desk

9. a. skip b. swing 10 a. cow b. chick

11. a. rubber b. pencil 12. a. quilt b. belt

ii. listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组) 8%

1. pqo opq qpo 2. dbr rdb brd

3. efg feg gfe 4. lsn nsl sln

5. vua vau uav 6. lmi ilm lim

7. pqb bqp bpq 8. oas soa osa

iii. listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片) 6%







iv. listen and match(听录音连线) 5%

1. draw a sheep ● ● the door.

2. don‘t climb ● ● the classroom.

3. close ● ● the window.

4. open ● ●the tree.

5. come to ● ● on the ground.

v. listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)5%

1.a. this is my room. b. this is my bed.

2.a. i hear a pig. b. i see a pig.

3.a. look at the umbrella.b. there is an umbrella.

4.a. sam can skip. b. sam can swing.

5.a. i’ve got a rubber. b. i‘ve got a pencil.

vi. listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)6%

1.a. i can sing. b. he can sing.

2. a. i see a rab*t b. i hear a chick.

3. a. it is a cow. b. yes, it is a cow.

4. a. a park. b. a lamp.

5.a. i hear a hen. b. i like a hen.

6. a. it is on the table.b. i t is on the floor.

vii. listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“t”表示正确,“f”表示错误) 8%

1. i hear a cow on the farm. it goes “moo, moo”。

2. look at the panda. it is black and white. it is on the box.

3. i have a friend. he is *g and grey. he has two small ears.

4. there is a bed and a sofa in my room. the bed is blue. the sofa is red.【篇二】


1. a.many b.one c.eight

2. a.look b.book c.bag

3. a.three b.green c.yellow

4. a.blue b.black c.ten

5. a.nine b.five c.fine

6. a.cat b.hat c.dog

7. a.cap b.cat c.hat

8. a.six b.girl c.boy

9. a.hello b.here c.hi

10. a.this b.that c.what


1. 早上见到老师你,要问好,你应该说:________

a.hello.b.good morning.c.goodbye.

2. 见到同学打招呼用:________

a.hello.b.good morning.c.goodbye.

3. 当你和对方道别时,应该说:_________

a.hello.b.good morning.c.goodbye.

4. 当你想了解对方的身体状况时,应该问:________

a.how are you ? b.i’m fine , thank you.

c.what’s your name ?

5. 你想知道别人的名字时,应该问:________

a.how are you ? b.i’m daming.c.what’s your name ?

6. 当别人问你名字时,你回答说:________

a.how are you ? b.i’m daming.c.what’s your name ?

7. 你的书掉到同桌凳子下面,你想让他站起来,你应该说:_______

a.sit down , please.b.stand up , please.c.hello.

8. 别人帮助了你,你应该说:______

a.how are you? b.thank you.c.sit down , please.

9. 上课时,老师想让sam指着窗户,应该说:________

a.point to the chair, sam.b.point to the blackboard, sam.

c.point to the window, sam.

10. 家里来客人了,你应该说:______

a.sit down , please.b.stand up , please.c.what’s your name ?


1.—what’s this? —___________

a.i’m nine.b.it’s a cake.c.that’s a cake.

2.—happy *rthday! —___________

a.thank you! b.i’m nine.c.happy *rthday!

3.—here’s your present! —___________

a.thank you! b.oh , no! c.what’s this?

4.—how are you? —___________

a.how are you? b.i’m fine, thank you.c.i’m nine.

5.—how old are you? —___________

a.how old are you? b.i’m fine, thank you.c.i’m nine.【篇三】


doll *cycle swing ball balloon slide


a melon a peach a mooncake a bean a leaf an orange a pear


this is my face.

this is my nose.

this is my eye.

this is my mouth.

this is my ear.


1. is this a pencil? 2. is this a rubber?

( ) yes, it is. ( ) yes, it is.

( ) no, it isn‘t. ( ) no, it isn’t.

3. is this a ruler? 4. is this a book?

( ) yes, it is. ( ) yes, it is.

( ) no, it isn‘t. ( ) no, it isn’t.

5. is this a bag? 6. is this a pen?

( ) yes, it is. ( ) yes, it is.

( ) no, it isn‘t. ( ) no, it isn’t.


( )i can read. ( ) i can sing.

( ) i can write ( ) i can dance.

( ) i can jump. ( ) i can draw.

( ) i can draw. ( ) i can write.

( ) i can read. ( ) i can dance.

( ) i can write. ( ) i can sing

