英语一年级上册期末试卷三套 一年级下册英语译林版期末

2023-09-09 21:00:42 666阅读 投稿:网友




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_____cc_____ _____hh_____ _____mm_____ _____ oo ___________ uu ______


( )1、a, draw b, cook c、 red

( )2、a, dance b, grape c、 banana

( )3、a, box b, blue c、 balloon

( )4、a, blue b, green c、 book

( )5、a, cold b ,beanie c、coat


( )1、i a, 我 b, 你

( )2、yes a, 不是 b, 是的

( )3、red a, 红色 b, 绿色

( )4、your a, 你的 b, 我的

( )5、robot a, 机器人 b ,先生

五、给下列句子选择正确的汉语意思。(只写序号) 20分

( )1、good morning

a, 早上好 b, 下午好

( )2、thank you .

a, 对不起 b, 谢谢你

( )3、oh 、no !

a, 哦、不! b,哦、是的。

( )4、this is miss li.

a, 这是*。 b, 这是李先生 。

( )5、look at my balloon.

a, 看我的气球。 b ,给我一个气球

( )6、i can dance.

a, 我会画画 。 b, 我会跳舞 。

( )7、it’s blue.

a, 它是蓝色的 。 b,它是黑色的。

( )8、great.

a, 太棒了。 b, 我喜欢。

( )9、put on your scarf .

a,戴*的围巾 b, 穿*的外套

( )10、it’s cold .

a, 天气很冷。 b ,天气很热。


( )1、早*遇见了小强、你想和他打招呼、你可以说: ________.

a, good morning b, good night.

( )2、你告诉*你喜欢吃葡萄、应该说: ________。

a, i like grapes. b,i like bananas .

( )3、放学后、你想跟同学说再见、应该说:________

a, good afternoon . b, goodbye .

( )4、请给我一个粉色的气球、应该说:________

a, a pink balloon,please b, a blue box,please .

( )5、夸赞别人的东西漂亮、应该说:________

a, it’s nice . b, thank you .【篇二】


i. listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内) 12%

1. a. pd b. bd 2. a. rp b. pr

3. a. tl b. tj 4. a. un b. m n

5. a. p q b. q p 6. a. a r b. i r

7. a. horse b. bear 8. a. table b. desk

9. a. skip b. swing 10 a. cow b. chick

11. a. rubber b. pencil 12. a. quilt b. belt

ii. listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组) 8%

1. pqo opq qpo 2. dbr rdb brd

3. efg feg gfe 4. lsn nsl sln

5. vua vau uav 6. lmi ilm lim

7. pqb bqp bpq 8. oas soa osa

iii. listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片) 6%







iv. listen and match(听录音连线) 5%

1. draw a sheep ● ● the door.

2. don‘t climb ● ● the classroom.

3. close ● ● the window.

4. open ● ●the tree.

5. come to ● ● on the ground.

v. listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)5%

1.a. this is my room. b. this is my bed.

2.a. i hear a pig. b. i see a pig.

3.a. look at the umbrella.b. there is an umbrella.

4.a. sam can skip. b. sam can swing.

5.a. i’ve got a rubber. b. i‘ve got a pencil.

vi. listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)6%

1.a. i can sing. b. he can sing.

2. a. i see a rab*t b. i hear a chick.

3. a. it is a cow. b. yes, it is a cow.

4. a. a park. b. a lamp.

5.a. i hear a hen. b. i like a hen.

6. a. it is on the table.b. i t is on the floor.

vii. listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“t”表示正确,“f”表示错误) 8%

1. i hear a cow on the farm. it goes “moo, moo”。

2. look at the panda. it is black and white. it is on the box.

3. i have a friend. he is *g and grey. he has two small ears.

4. there is a bed and a sofa in my room. the bed is blue. the sofa is red.




2.fold the *


4.chase the mouse

5. 挖个洞


1.hllo 你好

2. h嗨

3. gdbye 再见

4. be 再见

5. i我是

6. 我

7. m 是

8. fne (身体) 很好

9. gd 好的

10. mning 早晨, 上午【篇三】

一、 看中文,说单词

滑滑梯 秋千 气球 球 自行车 洋娃娃 芋艿 月饼 叶子 蛋糕 豆 月亮

二、 朗读下列单词

swing silde ball *cycle ball doll taro leaf bean mooncake moon balloon


a) go to the silde.

b) pick up the doll.

c) he has got a ball.

d) she has got a doll.

e) what has he got?

f) what has she got?

g) this is tom. he has got a *cycle. it is yellow.

h) this is may. she has got a balloon. it is pink.

i) --tom, i have got a doll. what have you got?

--i have got a ball. it is red.

--let‘s play togther.

--all right.


