新版pep三年级上学期英语期末测试卷 新版pep三年级下册

2023-09-10 15:45:13 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言听力部分一 听音,选出你所听到的选项。10分( ) 1 a eye b pencil c ear( ) 2 a cat b crayon c green( ) 3 a hand b head


听力部分一. 听音,选出你所听到的选项。10分( ) 1.a.eye b.pencil c.ear( ) 2.a.cat b.crayon c.green( ) 3.a.hand b.head c.body( ) 4.a.black b.brown c.blue( ) 5.a.*rd b.duck c.blue( ) 6.a.mouth b.monkey c.panda( ) 7. a.i b.l c.j( ) 8.a.good morning. b.good afternoon.( ) 9.a.i have a ruler. b.i have a panda.( ) 10.a.here you are. b.thank you.二. 听音,标序号。10分( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )三. 听音排序。10分( ) drink some water.( ) you’re welcome.( ) i like it.( ) can i have some water?( ) eat some eggs.四. 听音选答语。10分( )1.a.thank you. b.you’re welcome.( )2.a.sure.here you are. b.i’d like some fish.( )3.a.drink some juice. b.me too.( )4.a.nine. b.i’m fine.( )5.a.bye, miss white. b.i’m sarah.笔试部分五. 看图片,按字母表的顺序写出下列字母的大小写。12分六. 火眼金睛找不同。10分( )1.a.bag b.bear c.*rd( )2.a.panda b.pen c.pencil( )3.a.water b.white c.yellow( )4.a.hand b.mum c.head( )5.a.fish b.face c.foot七. 读一读,选择正确答案。15分( )1.---can i have some juice? ---_________.a.thank you. b.no,you can’t. c.sure.( )2.act like_________ elephant.a.a b./ c.an( )3.look _________ my dog!a.at b.in c.of( )4.---_____ your name? ---i’m chen jie.a.what’s b.what c.what’s( )5.“给你”用英语怎么说?a.here you are. b.here are you. c.how are you?( )6. ---i have a book. ---___________a.hello! b.me too! c.bye!( )7.---how old are you? ---___________.a.i’m nine. b.i’m zoom.( )8.别人说:“happy *rthday!”时,你应该说:a.thank you. b.no. c.byebye.( )9.下列字母的小写形式占下两格的是:________a.c b.p c.f( )10.与别人道别时,我们应该说:__________a.hello b.bye. d.how are you?( )11.我国国旗颜色有: a.green yellow b.red yellow( )12.当你把*爸介绍给miss wu时,应该说:a.this is miss wu. b.miss wu, this is my dad.( )13.当别人赞扬你的衣服很漂亮时,你应该说:a.thank you. b.yes. c.you’re welcome( )14.当你向别人提议“我们上学去吧!”时,应该说:a.let’s go to school. b.welcome to school.( )15.下列哪种动物是中国的国宝?a.panda b.monkey c.dog八.读一读,在横线上选出正确答案。8分1.the _________ is yellow. a. b.2.you can drink some _________. a. b.3. the______ has long nose. a. b.4.the duck has _________ legs. a. b.九. 问句答局连连看。5分good afternoon. mikehow many pens? fine.how are you? good afternoon.what’s your name? five.nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too.十.读一读,给图片标序号。10分1. bear 2. tiger 3. panda 4. duck 5. elephant6. bag 7. ruler 8. eraser 9.pencil 10. book

