
2023-09-10 16:30:32 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言part 1 listening(听力部分)i listen and choose (听录音,圈出听到的字母组或单词)1 a cd b bd 2 a lm b gh3 a j


part 1 listening(听力部分)i.listen and choose (听录音,圈出听到的字母组或单词)1. a.cd b. bd 2. a. lm b. gh3. a. jk b. af 4. a. bn b. m n5. a. pizza b. *scuit 6. a. table b. desk7. a. dance b. sing 8. a. car b. plane9. a. rubber b. pencil 10 . a. gloves b. beltii. listen and number (给你听到的句子编号)( ) i’m from shanghai.( ) i have got a blue dress.( ) merry christmas.( ) hello, i’m sam.( ) i need a tie.( ) i see a snowman .( ) i live in hefei.( ) get in the car.( ) have some noodles.( ) thank you.iii. listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)( ) 1. a. this is my book. b. this is my bed.( ) 2. a. i hear a pig. b. i see a pig.( ) 3. a. look at the snowman. b. get in the plane..( ) 4. a. sam is cold.. b. i am cold.( ) 5. a. it is fast. b. it is slow.iv. tick the correct picture.(听录音,勾出正确的单词)(1) (2)(2)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )v. 选出所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( )1. a .bee b. bus( ) 2. a. what b. where( ) 3. a. soup b. socks( ) 4. a. wind b. winter( ) 5. a. sleep b. slow( ) 6. a. shirt b. coat( ) 7. a. train b. tree( ) 8. a. a *g duck b. a brown pig( ) 9. a. an ice-cream b. an orange( ) 10. a. some juice b. some waterpart 2 writingi. copy the following (正确抄写字母和单词)m r u g k f e b d j*scuit hats ice gloves juiceii. look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)10%1.d( a q d ) 2. i ( i l t ) 3. f ( n f m )4. r ( r v s ) 5. e ( a b e)iii. read and choose (圈出不同类的词)10%1. noodles gloves dress scarf2. orange cake banana peach3. pencil rubber ruler pizza4. bed bus car train5. red socks green yellowiv. 选择.( ) 1.当小朋友想下公共汽车时,会说:a.get in the car b.get off the bus( ) 2.小红想吃热狗时,小红对服务员阿姨说:a.may i have a hot dog b.may i have a pizza( ) 3.老师问你住在哪里,你回答老师a.i live in hefei. b.have some soup( ) 4.你和小朋友说:“我喜欢跑步”a.i like to swim b.i like to run( ) 5.当你过马路时看见红灯,你会说:a.red light,stop b.green light,go

