三年级英语上册期末知识点归纳 冀教版三年级上册英语知

2023-09-10 21:00:43 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言第1模块元音字母是 aa ee ii oo uu掌握单词:knife, fork, england, china, noodles, rice, sweets图片词组:doing hoew


第1模块元音字母是 aa ee ii oo uu掌握单词:knife, fork, england, china, noodles, rice, sweets图片词组:doing hoework, eating, sleeping, getting up, walking to school, riding a *ke, playing football, playing the drus, playing the flute, reading a book, swiing, drawing a picture, watching tv, singing, eating noodles/ using a knife and fork, drinking, playing ping-pong, playing basketball, aking a cake, using chopsticks, using a knife and fork, sleeping, running, writing a letter, listening to usic, reading a news*, playing jigsaw puzzle短语及句子汇:1. in england 在英国 do you use chopsticks in england?在英语你们用筷子吗?2. be hungry 饿了 i a hungry. 我饿了。3. look at 看 please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。4.be hard for 对……难 it is hard for chinese people.对中国人说太难了。5.be easy for 对……容易 it is easy for english peiple.对英语国人说容易。6.a knife and fork 刀叉 we use a knife and fork.我们用刀叉。7.fast food快餐 it is chinese fast food.它是中国的快餐。8.speak english 说英语 you speak english.你们说英语。时态(现在进行时):表示动作发生的时间是“现在”,动作目前的状态是“正在进行中”。所谓“正在进行中”,是指在谈到这件事的时候,这个动作还在进行中。至于它是什么时候开始的,什么时候会停下,不是我们关心的。所以“正在进行时”的事件,可能发生几年了,也可能只有几分钟。仍在进行中这是“正在进行时”的关键所在。它是一件持续进行的事情。(拷贝在自己电脑里的英语知识挡里)sleep—sleeping listen-- listening fl y—flying row—rowing read—reading walk--walking sing --singing drink --drinking do—doing play—playing read—reading draw-- drawing watch --watching tv eat—eating ake—aking use—using write---writing hide?hiding ride—riding dance—dancing swi—swiing run --running get—getting重点句型及用法:(第一模块)。do you …? 的用法。如:do you use chopsticks in england?肯定回答:yes, we do.否定回答:no, we don’t.这个句型是在询问某人是否做某事的情况下用的,在回答这类疑问句时,注意人称和肯定、否定用法就可以了。第2模块掌握单词:cake , ake idea lovely instead发音规则:o / כ / box boss dog fox got hot lot op not top or al/כ:/ short for horse torch tall ball tall fall hall call sall walloo / u / book look foot took good cookoo / u: / oon noon noodle food soup短语及句子汇:1. ake a cake 做蛋糕 we're aking a cake.我们在做蛋糕。2. be quite 安静 please be quite.请安静!3. play the flute吹笛子 i a playing the flute.我在吹笛子。4. watch tv看电视 i a watching tv.我在看电视。5. listen to usic听音乐 i a listening to usic.我在听音乐。重点句型及用法:现在进行时态的用法:(第一模块、第二模块)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 be 主语 动词ing?如:what are you doing?陈述句:主语 be 动词ing.如:we’re aking a cake.这个时态用于强调正在进行的动作、事情。注意be动词的用法和现在分词的写法就可以了。(现在分词就是动词的ing形式,书第九页上面部分,是对学生已经学习的现在分词的总结)。第3模块掌握单词: row naughty these those * boat衣服单词:shirt衬衫,t-shirt t恤衫,sweater 毛衣, coat 大衣, skirt 从腰部以下的裙子 dress 连衣裙,shorts(复) 短裤,trousers(复)裤子短语及句子汇:1. * boats 龙舟 they're * boats.他们是龙舟。2. on this lake在这条湖 on the lake 在湖上 people row in this lake.3. over there在那边 look at those ducks over there.4. feed the ducks 喂鸭子let's feed the ducks.5. life is like a drea.生活就像一场梦运用“these are …s.” “those are …s.”介绍(注意区分this这个,that那个,these这些,those那些及 "this is a/an ..." "that is a/an ...." "these are ...s. " "those are ...s."重点句型及用法:how any …句型及 there be 句型的用法(第三模块、第八模块)。1、thesethose的用法。these 指与自己距离较近的。those指与自己距离较远的。它们都是指复数名词的,所以后面的名词一定要是复数的。如:these are soe ducks.2、how any …句型。 用于询问数量的,需注意的是它后面接的可数名词要是复数,如:how any stone aninals are there? there are 24.回答用there be 句型。第4模块掌握单词:winner jup far run fast can can’t see fly swi walk重点句: i can .... 我能/会 ……。 i can't .... 我不能/不会……。 can you ...? 你能/会……吗? yes, i can.是的,我会/能。 / no, i can't. 不,我不会/不能。 3)重点句中can和can't后面接的是动词的原形、短语及句子汇:1. run fast跑得快 can you run fast?2. jup far跳得远 i can jup far.3. in this puddle 在这个水坑中 i can swi in this puddle!4. in the sky 在蓝天下,空中can you throw high in the sky?重点句型及用法:can 引导的疑问句及陈述句的用法:(第四模块、第五模块)。1、询问他人是否会做某事:can 主语 do sth?如: can you run fast? 肯:yes, i can. 否:no, i can’t.2、询问自己是否可以吃(喝)某东西: can i have…?肯 yes, you can. 否:no, you can’t.3、can 引导的陈述句。肯定句:主语 can do sth. 如:this *rd can fly.否定句:主语 can’t do sth.如:you can’t go out.第5模块掌握的词: ill worry all shop drink rice sweets noodles ice crea cake用can i have soe …s? can i have a/an …? (注意单数句和复数句) yes, you can. here you are. / no, you can’t.can 表示能力(如体力和脑力方面),意为“能;会”等。例如:can you speak english? 你会讲英语吗can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?can 表示请求或允许,意为“可以;能”等。用于疑问句中用提出要求,用于否定句表示不允许。例如:can i * you? 我能帮助你吗?you can’t play basketball. 你不能玩篮球。can i...?“我可以……吗?”用征求对方是否允许自己做某事。歌曲---单词:with 和---起 , * 帮助, together 一起, see 看见,明白知道can i have a drink/ *scuits? yes, you can. / no, you can’t.中的have指的是喝、吃。短语及句子汇:1. have a drink喝点东西 can i have a drink?2. watch tv看电视 can i watch tv?3. go to the shop去商店 i can go to the shop for an ice crea?4. have an ice crea吃一个冰淇淋 can i have an ice crea?5. coe in 进 can i coe in ?6. read this book读书 can i read this book?7. all the 名词复数 全部的…… you can read all the books.8. in bed躺在床上 can i read y book in bed?9. co*r gae电子游戏机 play with玩……can i play with y copuuter gae?10. go to bed *睡觉 i go to bed at nine o'clcck.第6模块掌握单词: pet co*r gae careful ouse fix kite toy复习学过的具、玩具、衣服的英语单词:具: pencil铅笔, pencil-box铅笔盒, pen钢笔, ruler尺子, eraser橡皮擦, ball pen圆珠笔, book书本, exercise book练习本玩具: co*r gae电子游戏机,jigsaw puzzle拼图,ball球, football足球,basketball篮球, doll娃娃,teddy bear玩具熊, toy car玩具车, kite风筝, toy plane玩具飞机衣服: coat 大衣, shirt衬衫, t-shirt t恤衫, dress 连衣裙,skirt 半身裙,shorts短裤, trousers裤子,sweater毛衣, shoes 鞋子动物: dog狗, cat猫, duck鸭子, *rd鸟, rab*t兔子, ouse老鼠, snake蛇, fish鱼, spider蜘蛛, chick/chicken鸡, pig猪,horse马, lion狮子, tiger老虎, elephant大象, onkey猴子, panda熊猫, giraffe长颈鹿短语及句子汇:1. have got有(主语是i you we they) i have got a new book.2. be careful 小心 be careful.the bus is coing.3. jigsaw puzzle 拼图玩具 we've got a jigsaw puzzle.4. don't worry!别担心5. has got 有(主语是he , she, it)she has got a pet doghave got 的用法下面是have got 和has got的用法:在英语口语中通常用 have got代替 have,当主语为第三人称单数时,用has got 代替has,have got 或has got可以与前面的主语缩写为 ’ve 或 ’s。i / we / you / they / tony and jenny / have got…he / she / it / the boy / jenny / has got肯定式:i have a bag. 我有一个包 we’ve (we have )got an english lesson today. 我们今天有一节英语课。lucy and to have got two chairs. 露西和汤姆有两把椅子。y parents have got a *g house. 我**有一幢大房子。he has got an old coat. 他有一件旧衣服。知道 i've got ...=i have got ...和 we‘ve got ...= we have got ...并能熟练运用重点句介绍自己拥有的东西。区分have got及has got分别搭配的主语。主语为我、你及复数主语用have got。 i/you/we/they/sa and ay have got ... 主语为第三人称单数用has got。 he/she/it/daing has got ...重点句型及用法:完成时态 have/ has got的用法:(第六模块、第七模块)。1、陈述句。单数第三人称作主语时:主语 has got sth. 如: lijie has got a pet.其他人称作主语时:主语 have got sth. 如:i have got a new kite.2、疑问句。单数第三人称作主语时:has 主语 got sth? 如:has she got a cold?其他人称作主语时:have 主语 got sth? 如:have you got a headache?have/ has got表示的是拥有,也表示患了什么病。第7模块掌握单词: friday headache cold stoach ache test cl*r ough主要学习:have got 作为患了…..病, (学过have got 吃,喝,拥有)短语及句子汇:1. be ill生病 are you ill?2. have got a headache 头疼 i have got a headache. 我头疼。3. have got a stoach 胃疼 have you got a stoach ache?4. have got a test 考试 you have got a test today. 你们今天考试。5. on fridays在星期五 we have tests on fridays. 我们星期五考试。6. a cl*r boy一个聪明的男孩 you are a cl*r boy.你是一个聪明的男孩。7. have got a cough 咳嗽 he's got a cough today. 今天他咳嗽了。8. have got a cold感冒 daing has got a cold.大明感冒了。9. be late迟到 i a late. 我迟到了。认读下列句子:1. 1. noe’ve got a jigsaw puzzle.2. have you got a jigsaw puzzle? no, i haven’t. i’ve got a co*r gae.3. it’s picnic tie. we’ve got soe *scuits.4. can he have a drink? yes, he can.5. s lin has got a chinese kite. it’s beautiful.6. he’s got a *ke. he can ride the *ke today.7. has he got a pet spider? no, he’s got a pet ouse.8. she’s got a pet, too. but it’s a spider.9. it’s snowing. i a wearing a war coat.10. look! i’ve got a new sweater.11. this is a deer. and this is the deer's ear.1 2. open the door. stand on the floor.13. what's in y bag? an apple and a pencil.14. can you run fast? yes, i can.15. now look at y outh.16. these are ay's new shoes.17. soup is y favourite food.18. there is a cow near the river.19. it's cold. where is your coat?20. has he got a cough? no, he hasn't.英语数字1-12:one,two,three,four,five,six,s*n,eight,nine,ten,el*n,twelve;英语数字20-29:twenty,twenty—one,twenty—two,twenty—three,twenty—four,twenty—five,twenty—six,twenty—s*n,twenty—eight,twenty—nine。复习动物单词:dog狗, cat猫, duck鸭子, *rd鸟,rab*t兔子, ouse老鼠, snake蛇, fish鱼, spider蜘蛛, pig猪,horse马, lion狮子, tiger老虎,elephant大象, onkey猴子, panda熊猫, giraffe长颈鹿, cael 骆驼第8模块掌握单词:an ?en woan ?woen stone anial horse elephant visit pig dog onkey panda lion tiger chick duck。(sheep penguin cael 要求能听懂。)词汇拓展:anial动物: *rd鸟, cat猫, cael骆驼, duck鸭子, elephant大象, fish鱼, giraffe长颈鹿, lion狮子, onkey猴子, panda熊猫, pig猪, rab*t兔子, snake 蛇, spider 蜘蛛, zoo动物园. penguin 企鹅知道用“how any 名词复数 are there?”问有多少个东西,并能与“there is a/an/ one ...” "there are ...s" 灵活问答。、读单词: an—en woan ?woen father other grandfathergrandother sister brother uncle aunt短语及句子汇:1.there are 名字复数 有……there are lots of stone anials.有很多石头做的动物。2.the ing tobs 十三陵3.stone anials石头做的动物4.how any 多少( 后加可数名词的复数)5.how any people are there in your faily?你家里有几口人?6.lots of / a lot of许多,大量 there are lots of stone anials区分:an 男人(单数),en 男人(复数),woan 女人(单数),woen 女人(复数)的读音及意思,知道people是复数,指人们。第9模块掌握的单词: race long jup high jup sports day run a race train driver taxi driver bus drivernurse teacher doctor policean用on sports day i a going to( 动词原形)……时态(将时):be(a/ is/ are)going to 动词原形 表示将要做某事知道人称与be(a/ is/ are)going to 动词原形的搭配:i a going to 动词原形;he/ she/ ay is going to 动词原形;we/ they/ you are going to 动词原形sports day 是专有名词能用 on sport day i’ going to 动词原形。短语及句子汇:1.sports day 运动日 it is going to be sports day toorro明天是运动日。2. do long jup跳远 i a going to do long jup. 我打算跳远。3.do high jup跳高4.run a race参加赛跑5.i a going to be a driver. 我打算做一个司机。6.* the ill帮助生病的人们 i a going to * the ill.我打算帮助生病的人们。职业名词: teacher老师, doctor医生, nurse*, policean男*,policewoan女*, writer作家, bus driver公共汽车司机, taxi driver的士司机, train driver火车司机, pilot飞行员将时态be going to 的用法。(第九模块、第十模块)。1、陈述句。主语 be going to do… .如:i’ going to run a race. 我将要参加赛跑。主语 be going to be ….如:i’ going to be a doctor. 我要成为一名医生。2、一般疑问句:be 主语 going to do…?如:are you going to go to hong kong?肯: yes, i a. 否:no, i’ not.3、特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词 be 主语 going to…?如:what are you going to do ?答:i’ going to ….第10模块掌握的单词和短语: sea, airport, saturday, hongkong, swi, ride a *ke, play football , play basketball, sing, dance, listen to usic, read a book, watch tv , getup, visit grandfather.短语及句子汇:1.at the airport 在飞机场2.in the sea在海里 i a going to swi in the sea. 我打算在海里游泳。3.go to the cinea去*院看*i a going to go to the cinea toorro明天我要去看*。补充知识 关于this is … that is… these are… those are…1.this is ……这是……(指近处的单数名词或不可数名词)this is a book. 这是一本书。2.that is ……那是……(指远处的单数名词或不可数名词)that is a book. 那是一本书。3.these are…这些是……(指近处的可数名字的复数) these are books.这些是书。4.those are…那些是……(指远处的可数名字的复数)those are books.那些是书。动词词组:do hoework, eat …, sleep, go to school, ride a *ke, play football, play the drus, play the flute, read a book, swi, draw a picture, watch tv, sing, drink, play ping-pong, play basketball, ake a cake, sleep, run, write a letter, listen to usic, read a news*, play jigsaw puzzle掌握下列单词,做到能快速拼读出:8 an ?en woan ?woen stone anial horse elephant visit pig dog onkey panda lion tiger chick duck9 race 赛跑 long jup跳远 high jup跳高sports day运动日 run a race(参加)赛跑 train driver火车司机 taxi driver出租车司机 bus driver公共汽车司机 nurse teacher doctor policean10 sea hong kong airport saturday swi ride a *keplay basketball sing dance listen to usic read a book watch tv get up

