关于运动员英语作文带翻译 我最喜欢的运动员英语作文带

2023-10-03 11:50:37 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言our school yesterday held the 23rd sports fitness section, we wore a neat clothes to stand, cheer for the ath

_our school yesterday held the 23rd sports fitness section, we wore a neat clothes to stand, cheer for the athletes.

_first appeared in our class are he *ngzhen, he took part in the * is 60 meters running, shouting slogans, we have some carried signs come on for him, he *ngzhen seemed to hear our chants, run faster and faster, and achi*d good results of the fourth.

_wu xing all take part in the 200 m and 400 m running, the starting gun rang, he was desperate to ran forward, the final two *s and got the second place, louxuan hangzhou attend softball, he actually threw a 40.8 meters, broke the record of the third grade, it was really great!

_i: tell me something about our class "female general wu rui yao!" she was attending a 60 meters, although she accidentally fell on the ground when i was in the final sprint, knee worn out a piece of leather, but she didn't flow a * of tears, *ntually to fifth grade the precious 2 points for our class, she is also only scores of female students in our class, her brave spirit is worth our learning.

_this is our *s? they have devoted their win honor for our class, their efforts were not in vain, the score of our class is * higher than a year, a year. thank you - athletes.

_昨天我校举行了第23届的体育健身节, 我们穿着整齐的运动服走向看台, 为运动员们加油。

_我们班第一个出场的是何秉臻, 他参加的项目是60米跑步, 我们有的喊着口号, 有的举着牌子给他加油, 何秉臻好像听到了我们的加油声, 越跑越快, 取得了第四名的好成绩。

_吴星均参加的是200米和400米跑步, 发令枪一响, 他不顾一切地往前跑, *终2个项目都得了第二名, 楼炫杭参加的是垒球, 他竟然扔了40.8米, 破了三年级的记录, 真是太棒了!

_说说我们班的“女将军”吴芮瑶吧! 她参加的是60米跑, 虽然她在*后冲刺的时候不小心摔倒在地上,膝盖磨破了一块皮, 但她一滴眼泪也没流, *终以第五名的成绩为我们班争得了宝贵的2分, 她也是我们班唯一得分的女同学, 她勇敢的精神值得我们学习。

_这就是我们的运动会, 怎么样? 他们都付出了自己的心血为班级争光, 他们的努力没有白费, 我们班的分数是一年更比一年高, 谢谢你们 - 运动员。

