当女儿发脾气 抑郁女儿冲父母发脾气

2023-10-03 12:40:32 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言my mother was a vocal1 supporter of corporal punishment(体罚) , but for all her talking she has n*r spanked2

my mother was a vocal1 supporter of corporal punishment(体罚) , but for all her talking she has n*r spanked2 my siblings3, and me only once. instead she found ways of punishment that left a * lasting4 memory then the short sting of a swat on our rumps. one of the most memorable5 of these occasions occurred when i was four.

in the early 70's my mother attended college during the day while my sister was in school and i was in daycare. one day at daycare i watched an extremely tired mother attempt to pick up her daughter. the little girl asked, "momma are we going to mcdonalds for dinner?" the mother replied, "honey, not tonight. momma has to run a few errands and then we have to go home and cook dinner for daddy." "but i wanna go." "susie, i said not tonight. maybe, if you are a good girl we can go tomorrow." susie immediately *ped to the floor, kicking and screaming, "i want to go to mcdonalds."

no amount of pleading or scolding her mother tried stopped susie's tantrum. finally her mother gave in, "okay, susie, lets go to mcdonalds." susie stopped yelling and smiling she grabbed her mother's hand and they left. to say i was amazed would be inaccurate6; i was delighted that anything i wanted could be had by throwing a tantrum(发脾气) .

that day my mother picked me up early from daycare because we were going to sears
