反唇相讥 反唇相讥的拼音

2023-10-06 10:10:31 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言yan zi of the state of qi was sent on a mission to the state of qi to yan zis face one day, the king of

yan zi of the state of qi was sent on a mission to the state of qi to yan zi's face.

one day, the king of chu gave a banquet for yan zi. just when they were enjoying it, two petty officials brought a convict to the king.

deliberately1 the king of chu asked: "what crime has this man committed?"

one of the petty officials answered: "he robs."

again the king of chu asked: "where is he from"

the petty official answered: "he is from the state of qi."

the king of chu turned to yan zi and said: "so the people of the state of qi are used to committing robbery."

yan zi stood up and replied: "your majesty2, i heard that when orange trees grown in the south of the huai river are transplanted to the north of huai river, they become trifoliate orange trees. outwardly the leaves of orange trees and those of trifoliate orange trees look alike, but the tastes of their fruits are entirely3 different. our people of the state of qi n*r commit robbery, but once they come to the state of qi n*r commit robbery, but once they come to the state of chu, they start to engage in criminal activities. i think, maybe this is the effect of the environment and climate here."

as the king of chu heard this, he was truck dumb with shame.










