江郎才尽 江郎才尽的典故

2023-10-07 17:10:02 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言during the period of southern and northern dynasties (420-589), there was a man of letters named jiang yan, who

during the period of southern and northern dynasties (420-589), there was a man of letters named jiang yan, whose father died young. little jiang yan was strenuous1(奋发的) and di*t2, capable of writing beautiful poems and essays at his early age. he, who was thought highly of by those men of letters of that time, was called mr. jiang.

how*r, the great fame and high position pr*nt him from go on * progress. his articles and poems written later were not a match to his earlier ones. people said that he was at his wit's end.

