剜股藏珠 剜股藏珠文言文翻译

2023-10-08 09:20:15 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言there was a treasure mountain on the sea, where there were many, many rare treasures shining with brilliant lig

there was a treasure mountain on the sea, where there were many, many rare treasures shining with brilliant light and dazzling the eyes.

a seaman1 got a pearl of 1 can (1/30 metre) in diameter, which glistened2 brightly. he took a ship to take it home.

but before the ship had sailed for 100 li, all of a sudden black clouds rolled all over the sky, and a strong wind blew to unleash3 huge waves. the ship was tossed about violently. a flood * was seen emerging from the stormy sea and looking very terrifying.

the crew advised the seaman: "it seems that the flood * wants to have your pearl. please throw it into the sea at once; otherwise you will get us into trouble."

at the moment, the seaman was in a dilemma4. he couldn't bear to part with the pearl; on the other hand, he was afraid of the imminent5 disaster. his head was covered with perspiration6 from anxiety. after a while, with his teeth clenched7 to endure the pain, he gouged8 out a piece of flesh from his thigh9 to conceal10 the pearl there. the storm on the sea subsided11 at once.

as soon as the seaman got home, he took out the dazzling pearl immediately. but not long afterwards he died of the festering wound in his thigh.







