in recent years, * and * strongly on the integrity of the call, which may not be the integrity of the ancient chinese records much better than now, but the integrity of consciousneis now slowly waking. this cake just as spanided as earlier, in fact there is no cake in front of us, so we harmony, nothing to dis* things. now the times, probably with a distribution of cake for *ryone, but the cake is not *g enough, and can not guarantee that *ryone can share a piece of sati*ied *over, there is no clear and credible special rules for the sub-cake, the result beings scramble or intrigues you, nothing but want to own a piece large enough that, naturally, others have lecake, this time, people call the most pressing integrity. as society increasingly rich, the cake *gger, and sub-cake clear rules, and social credi*lity will be much better. therefore, the chinese are so eager to call for faith, not backwards, but we are clim*ng.
du ancient times issued "tens of thousand, the largest shelter scholars of the world all smile," he, as the poor of one of those very closely; and bai singing "to people i do not know cold to warm, leclothing for lichens man" when i think he *t gaojue thick though, but also from genuine. because we have too poor, it is always a good faith may emerge in the dream of luxury.
china is now gradually to prosperity, so the credi*lity suddenly emerged around us almost full of all types of integrity businesses and inspaniduals, all highly imaginative deception, for example, put some washing powder to the bread in; to pigs fed clenbuterol or lots of water injection point; to the turtle eel feed point of contraceptives and so amazing. false advertising various businesses, products and profits, it is endless, so look for the chinese stock * was launched respected companies such a thing. why the sudden lack integrity and we so eager to call credit?
the desire in people to the faith, in fact, have some prophetic nature. if we still have nothing or to dousipixiu, then our own respect for life, property and * of consciousneis still sleeping on unawakened, exactly 20 years of reform and opening up, wake up the consciousneof people sleeping inside, but when we woke up in the age of the cake is not *g enough yet, so there are a variety of bad faith dis*s, in fact, behind the word, but is a benefit! but this is still a step forward, not backwards. we often say that the united states in the national l*l of credi*lity to the * silly, but a century ago americans had not been so honest in the past the motels in the united states, toilet pa-pe-r, cups and *n towels missing, almost commonplace, in very abundant material wealth, the theft of a small property so much lebehavior. the same is true in many parts of china, such as fujian jinjiang, wenzhou and so on, a local product who is synonymous with counterfeiting, but now the d*lopment of local economy and the rule of law to a certain stage, they are themselves up to good faith, and has, and then the wu made the next *g difference amon. this is probably what we call adequate food, clothing and bred, and know etiquette depository real meaning of it!
how honest return? you liangshou policy, the primary course, make the pie *gger, so at least *ry citizen to maintain a food and clothing, which is roughly the "d*lopment is the last word" it! the other hand is to establish the rules of sub-cake, or changes in policy, inspaniduals and businesses would be difficult to have honest basis. how can a fair share of a cake? this requires checks and balances of power, such a person has power to cut the cake before the other person should have the first pick accordingly the power of cake, this cake can be *nly spanided. no checks and balances of power, we can not expect power holders will humble prudent use of power, but most will be personal gains. this sub-cake process, if the rules were not established rules, then the cornerstone of the social integrity is very unstable and ultimately affect the people who toil to *g cake.
therefore, china calls for sincerity, need to "grasp with both hands," no credi*lity rules, the society will degenerate into the state of liangshan, *n a gentleman, and can only large piece of meat, drinking bowl, otherwise, others would implement its "gentleman cheated of israel"; with integrity rules, you can either willing or unwilling heart, at least to be credible behavior. liang shouying means that economic d*lopment should be hard, improve the * economy framework also hard, the government loof integrity or lack of * has always been a social modernization and civilization of the fatal weakness.