春天的英语写作素材 端午节英语写作素材

2023-07-28 14:49:20 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言关于描写春天的英语表达语句有哪些呢,下面为大家带来春天的英语写作素材,一起来学习吧春天用英语怎么说春天 [chūn tiān]spri



_春天 [chūn tiān]





_春天呐喊 spring scream ; spring scream festival

_春天小夜曲 serenade to spring

_春天红 spring rose ; spring rose marble

_米兰春天 milan spring ; mspring ; spring milan ; yimilan

_春天集团 ppr sa ; pinault-printemps-redoute ; ppr group ; groupe pinault-printemps

_春天早晨 spring morning

_快乐春天 jly spring

_*伯春天 arab spring

_春天生活 cheongchoon



_seeds germinate in the spring.


_the old tree sprouted in this spring.


_the spring thaw caused the river to deluge the region.


_in spring the flowers disclose their colours.


_i like spring.


_we do it *ry spring.


_it knifed through the spring air toward our plane.


_you should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.


_he did this in part by embroidering the gown with garlands of spring flowers.

