
2023-07-28 15:36:31 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、写作要求1 要点*、表达准确、语句连贯,符合交际要求。2 能用书写体熟练清楚地书写,格式、连笔、词距、标点正确。3 书


_1. 要点*、表达准确、语句连贯,符合交际要求。

_2. 能用书写体熟练清楚地书写,格式、连笔、词距、标点正确。

_3. 书写格式、行文及礼貌用语等无严重错误。

_4. 基本语法和常用句型无严重错误,意思表达清楚。

_5. 恰当使用复杂结构、新颖词汇和顺畅连接。

_二、 评分标准





_第五档:(1分~5分)。未完成试题规定的任务:明显遗漏主要内容;句式单调、词汇贫乏;语法错误较多 。



_1. 第一步是仔细审题。重点注意内容要点,写作对象和交际目的。

_2. 要写*稿,实在没时间也要写一个提纲。

_3. 确定好时态。转述别人观点常用现在时。记叙经常发生的事用一般现在时,描写过去发生的事用过去时。

_4. 不出现中文,不用汉语拼音。不生造中国式的英语。要用你听过的话来说,用你读过的句子来写。

_5. 第一句很重要,不要轻易下笔。尾句部分容易出错,要留意。

_6. 为防止遗漏内容要点,可在原题上标出记号。

_7. 几个必要的连词一定要用,或顺接、或转折、或让步、或比较。

_8. 写记叙文,注意六个要素:who, where, when, why, how and the result.

_9. 议论文,注意论点与论据一致。还要注意是让你写一方观点还是介绍对立的两种观点。



_1. i'm wang shan, a girl of six*, presently attending beijing yangguang middle school.

_2. i'm ready to give * when*r it is needed.

_3. he is such a learned person that we all ad*e hem very much.

_4. i think i'm fit for the job.


_1. it's a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

_2. our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to baishan mountain.

_3. on the other side, where the playground used to be, now stands another building - our library.


_1.last night i was preparing for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted me.

_2.hearing this, a few people began to run after him.

_3.the time passed quickly. before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers.


_1. how*r, other students are against the idea, saying that the beijing zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well known at home and abroad.

_2. personally, i think it a good idea for us senior 3 students to have daily exercise.

_3. as we all know, a good learning environment is vital if we want to study english well.


_1. as is shown on chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities.

_2. chart 1 shows the daily average amount of time the students of the school spend on different after-class activities.

_3. only s*n percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods.


_1.i am writing to you about the mo*le phone i bought on april 20th.

_2. if there is anything i can do for you, i will be * than glad to *.

_3. thank you very much in advance.

_4. i look forward to hearing from you soon.

