写一封邮件介绍毕业聚会 写一封邮件介绍自己英语

2023-07-28 16:25:08 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言假设你是李明。上周*班举行了一次毕业聚会。请根据以下提示,给你的英国笔友 robert 写一封邮件,向他描述聚会的情况及谈谈你当时的感受

假设你是李明。上周*班举行了一次毕业聚会。请根据以下提示,给你的英国笔友 robert 写一封邮件,向他描述聚会的情况及谈谈你当时的感受。

要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语*确,书写规范;

2. 必须包含所给提示,并做适当发挥;

3. 行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;

4. 词数 80左右。(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)

hi robert,

we had a graduation party last sunday.


hi robert,

we had a graduation party last sunday. long before 3:00 pm, all the s tudents in my class couldn't wait to come to the hall. our teachers and parents were invited to the party, too. first, our monitor made a speech. he thanked our teachers and parents sincerely. next, we gave presents to each other. the most exciting moment was the show time. we sang, danced and played *s. our english teacher told a story which made us all laugh. *ryone was so happy. i think the wonderful party will always be in my mind.

do you have such a party? please write soon.

