HOW how much

2023-07-28 17:12:59 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言i was just a little girl five years old at that age, i did nothing *ry morning i would get up early and

i was just a little girl five years old. at that age, i did nothing. *ry morning i would get up early and start dressing up to the playground to play. i have no friends, but i am curious that i could make some by sharing things. and so i took some bread from the cupboard, took a bottle of milk and ran to the playground.

there were many children playing there: some were playing hide and seek, some were playing tag; some were playing catch, some were playing toys; some were building sand castle… i ran to the sand pile, there i met some girls building sand castles. i asked, “may i sit down here, please?” “suit yourself coward!” shouted the girls rudely at me.

and so i sat down and began to play. after i had finished half my sand castle, i heard the girls say, “i am so hungry, but i don’t have money to buy thing,” and then it hit me; “i have some bread to share with them.” and so i took some bread out of my bag, and said, “here, have some bread.” when the girls took the bread they ate it and said, “well, well; looks like we have a *. but i am not going to be your friend!”

i had spread some jam on my bread and took another piece, put it on top and started to eat. when i had finished the last *te, i put the rest in my bag, and went away. i was very sad that sharing things didn’t * me make friends; i shall have to think of another. after ten days i have thought of another way, and so started out to the fields. there sat a girl shepherd sitting next a rock. now it all happened that this girl was the one that had *ed me with *rything i have.

i quietly took out a piece of *, and wrote some words: i haven’t seen you for a long time, and so have decided to write you this. i want to thank you for all you have done for me in the past few years, what do you want me to do you for this month? after i had finished writing the last words, i put it inside an envelope; licked the stamp, and stuck in on the right corner of the envelope; at last closed the top.

after that, i ran to her mail box and put it inside, and then went home. after a few days i have found a letter from the shepherd girl in my mailbox. i carefully opened it, and in it was a piece of *; on the * were some words, these are the words: i am very grateful for your kindness, but really i have much work to do in the fields; if you come here and be a shepherd with me; then that is the most best thing you could do for me. after reading this, i thought to myself: i am alone so i guess i could be a shepherd. and so i told my parents, and set off.

finally, i had arrived; the shepherd girl came to meet me. “now i am you friend margaret.” said the shepherd girl to me.


i was just a little girl five years old. at that age, i did nothing. *ry morning i would get up early and start dressing up to the playground to play. i have no friends, but i so i took some bread out of my bag, and said, “here, have some bread.” when the girls took the bread they ate it and said, “well, well; looks like we have a *. but i am not going to be your friend!”

i had spread some jam on my bread and took another piece, put it on top and started to eat. when i had finished the last *te, i put the rest in my bag, and went away. i was very sad that sharing things didn’t * me make friends; i shall have to think of another. after ten days i have thought of another way and started out to the fields. there sat a girl shepherd sitting next a rock. now it all happened that this girl was the one that had *ed me with *rything i have.

i quietly took out a piece of *, and wrote some words: i haven’t seen you for a long time so i told my parents and set off.

finally, i had arrived; the shepherd girl came to meet me. “now i am you friend margaret.” said the shepherd girl to me.


