it was all that could be done for the whole wide world, for there was only one of the man that care mostly for him than it is to other things or objects or things like that; well mostly he cared for himself as i said.
one day he was going to work when he found a very *g rock. he loved it and so carried it to work; when he was there his companions argued with him because rocks were not allowed in his office or his work area i said.
the man didn’t care for as i had said before this greedy man cared the most was him and not others. when it was at the end of the day the man went home and of course went to the *ror to look at himself perfectly. when it was time for another day at work, the man was very, very, very sad; for his rock was gone. now it all happened that there was this rock collector that wanted to collect all the rocks in his country.
when his companions told him about that he was not happy to hear it, and so the man had decided to go on an adventure to find the one that had stolen his rock; *n though he didn’t *n know what he looks like, but he had a sick plan which will fool the one that won’t confess his fault. after giving or preparing the things he’ll need, he hopped on his scooter and drew off to find the guy that he was searching for.
the guy was soon found out and when he had been caught by the police, then that time was the guy’s end. *rybody was happy to get their rock back, and *n though they knew that rocks didn’t have their lives; they were still happy together. now you know the meaning of rebound, it means: when you do a bad thing then another bad thing will happen to you. i hope this story will teach you something important.
and for the one that had stolen the rocks from other people, he knew his own fault, but it was too late to confess it…
*n if the guy didn’t go to jail, he still knew his own fault and i am 100 percent sure that he will confess it too you know…
it was all that could be done for the whole wide world, for there was only one of the man that care mostly for him than other things.
one day he was going to work when he found a very *g rock. he loved it and carried it to work. when he was there, his companions argued with him because rocks were not allowed in his office or his work area.
as i had said before, this greedy man cared the most was himself and not others. when it was at the end of the day, the man went home and of course went to the *ror to look at himself perfectly. when it was time for another day at work, the man was very sad; for his rock was gone. someone said it must have been stolen by a rock collector who wanted to collect all the rocks in his country.
when his companions told him about that he was not happy to hear it, so the man decided to go on an adventure to find the one that had stolen his rock; *n though he didn’t *n know what he looked like, he had a sick plan which would fool the one that won’t confess his fault. after preparing the things he needed, he hopped on his scooter and drew off to find the guy that he was searching for.
the guy was soon found out and he was caught by the police. *rybody was happy to get their rock back, *n though they knew that rocks didn’t have their lives; they were still happy to get together.
now you know the meaning of rebound, it means: when you do a bad thing then another bad thing will happen to you. i hope this story will teach you something important.