[1] it is widely(commonly) accepted(hold) that
[2] a widely accepted(commonly) hold idea(point of view,viewpoint, opinion,assumption)is that/np
[3] a/the dominant(prevalent, prevailing)idea(see [2])is np/to do
[4] it is taken for granted that(or:we often/frequently take it for granted that)
[5] people(the majority) seem to get accustomed to the idea(see [2]),without questioning,that
[6] people are willing to regard np1 as np2/adj
[7] people are willing to do,while reluctant to do
[1] how*r (but),…
[2] such idea(see[1-2]),if not entirely adj1,is somewhat adj2 and needs careful consideration.
adji=unreasonable,unacceptable, inappropriate,improper,undesirable,
adj2=misleading,doubtrul, etc
[3] in fact(as a matter of fact),…(follow[2])
[4] how*r, it is not (quite, necessarily)the case.
[5] this (it) is not (quite, necessarily) the case and needs to bo fruther considered/discussed.(or:further consideration/discussion)
[1] the reason lies in s*ral aspects,
[2] the reason why clause [1, underlined]
[3] there are s*ral remarkable reasons.
[4] 层进in addition, besides, fruther*, what’s *, on the other hand, meanwhile, for one thing…for another; finally, above all, in short.
[5] 举例for example, for instance, such (general term) as (specific terms),a typical (striking) example is that, a case in point
[6] 转折how*r, but, n*rtheless,on the contrary
[7] 条件if , provided that, unless, as long as,etc
type4 就…而言;关于
[1] as far as …is/are concemed: as far as current situation is concerned
[2] as t the problem as to np有关…的问题
[1] although much effort has been made, the situation is far from sati*actory (or: the problem remains unsolved, little improvement has been achi*d)
[2] there is a tendency, as recent study (investigation) has pointed out (shown, r*aled, indicated), that
[3] there is growing concern about np
[4] it will inevitably (is likely to )result in (lead to ) unwanted (serious) consequence (or np)
[5] unfortunately,…
[6] we will not be able to afford the risk of overlooking the seriousness of the matter.
[7] the process, once initiated, is most likely irr*rsible.
[8] we are constantly (frequently) faced with np
[1] np1 is of great importance (necessity, value) in np2 (or: np is of enormous significance)
[2] the importance (necessity) of np (to do sth.) lies in (the fact) that…
[3] np1 plays, as is known, an irreplaceably important role in np2
[4] the irreplaceably important role np1 plays in np2 is significant (obvous)
[5] np1 is an indispensable part of np2
[6] it is important (necessary) to do (or:that)
[7] special attention should be pay to …(or: we should pay special attention to…)
[8] what we should take into consideration is np
[1](immediate, emergent, effective) measures are being taken (has been taken, should be taken) to do
[3] we have made much effort, there is still * we need to make (cf. we have learnt a lot, there is much * we need to lea123)
[1] if it were left for me to decide whether (wh-clause),i would, without hesitation, choose to do (or: i would prefer the former/the latter)
[2] to do/np is a matter of prerence.
[3] it is difficult to make a choice for one can hardly gain most without losing any.
[4] the difficulty lies in the fact that the advantages and disadvantages of both cases are equally obvious.
[5] in fact, we may well preserve a delicate balance or compromise between the two than go to extreme.
[6] it is not sensible to exclude one of the choices completely
[7] (of two conflicting ideas, concepts) though conflicting to one another, they are so closely associated that understanding one will be impossible without discussing the other.
[8] the benefits of np are varied…
[9]while disadvantages are unavoidable, it is the advantages that prevail.a