
2023-07-29 13:12:44 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言there are too many people in the world complain: busy work, higher consumption l*l, family pressure, poor living

there are too many people in the world complain: busy work, higher consumption l*l, family pressure, poor living environment, or cold f*r headache, complaining, resentment, social injustice, resentment of people's heart, money supremacy, resentment like * thin... it seems to be able to vent their dissati*action and gain sympathy from others. but after complaining, *rything remains as usual, how to solve the problem and how to solve it.

it's a great soul inspiring book. after reading this book, the mind was greatly touched, and slowly immersed in the world of books, it was discovered that it was actually a *ror of the soul. there's no *g reason. it's just a very ordinary way. it's a very ordinary example. it tells us a way of life and makes us understand ourselves better. in the *ror, we can see whether our appearance is neat, what kind of expression is on our faces, anger or joy... and this book is a reflection of the inner *ror, so that we can see that we can not r*al the inner world, optimistic or negative? these may not be expressed in expression, but there are * or less complaints in speech. of course, some people think that complaint is a kind of catharsis, a way of adjusting emotion. i did not look at this book, and i thought that the complaints were commonly known as "grumbling", and that occasional grumbles *ed to adjust their inner balance and * to get rid of the shadow of the mind. but when i read the book, i knew that the complaint was an epidemic, and your complaints would arouse the resonance of others. complaining is a transmission of mental illness, not only can't find a solution, it may also allow you to complain about the degree of complaint, and *ntually lead to unma*able results. when the *'s dog was hit by a car, he almost made himself a slave to anger and complaint. it was reason that stopped the *ine from complaining, did not make things worse, and reason was the rational *ysis and understanding of the inner world of his own behavior, all of which were given to me "without complaining". we did it.

in real life, when we are eager to find the happiness and happiness of life, each of us is unavoidable to encounter a lot of setbacks and failures or unsati*actory things. at this time, some people can not be treated correctly, produce discontent, cause a lot of complaints and complaints, often resentment, resentment, resentment of fate, resentment of colleagues, resentment leadership... in fact, the *ggest victim of complaining is himself. complaints are not obvious, but an attitude of gratitude and tolerance brings us another life, and if we do this, our life will be h*r. no complaints need a process. add "no complaints" activities, wear purple bracelet, let happiness instead of complaining, close the door of complaining.

complaining is the most energy consuming and unprofitable action. sometimes, our complaints will not only express our dissati*action against people, but also for different situations of life. and if we can't find someone to listen to our complaints, we will complain to ourselves in our minds. the "no complaint" movement put forward by the author of the "no complain world" came at precisely the right time. it is what our modern people need most. after reading this book, i think there are only three things in the world: my affairs, his affairs, and god's affairs. the people who complain about themselves should try to learn to accept themselves; the people who complain about others should try to turn their complaints into a request; the man who complains about the heavens, try to ask for your wishes in the way of prayer. in this way, your life will have a *g change that you can't imagine, and your life will be * beautiful and perfect.

a unit, an enterprise, a leader, they will attach importance to talent and talent selection. *ryone, regardless of their position, should display their intel*ce and talents in their work. when you work hard and make a contribution and make a contribution, it is time for you to be affirmed and reused, to reflect your personal value, and to enjoy your work.

