小兔子找家 小兔子找家小班教案

2023-07-29 17:09:42 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言rab*t has grown up "there are too many rab*ts in this hole! it is time to leave the nest i am going to fi

rab*t has grown up.

"there are too many rab*ts in this hole! it is time to leave the nest. i am going to find my own home," the oldest rab*t says.

rab*t decides to look in a different hole.

"you cannot live here. this is my home!" shouts mouse.

so, rab*t hops1 into the forest. he looks into another hole.

"you cannot live here. this is my home!" shouts squirrel2.

rab*t looks for a new hole, one he can call his own.

"you cannot live here. this is my home!" shouts ground hog3.

rab*t is sad. he cannot find a home. rab*t does not see eagle flying high in the sky.

at that time, the beautiful white rab*t saw eagle. "quickly, come inside!" she shouts.

"thank you so much. you have saved my life!" rab*t says. "you're welcome," white rab*t answers.

"what a roomy(宽敞的) hole you have! i wish i had a hole like this!" he says. rab*t was surprised by how *g the hole was.

"i am alone in this *g hole. why don't you stay here with me?" white rab*t asks. "thank you. i will stay here. now, i have found a home!" says rab*t.

