小学英语三年级上册期末检测试卷 小学英语三年级下册单

2023-08-15 18:45:17 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言听力部分 (60分)一、听录音,给下列图标上序号。(10分)1、 ( ) ( ) ( )2、 ( ) ( ) ( )3、 (


听力部分 (60分)


1、 ( ) ( ) ( )

2、 ( ) ( ) ( )

3、 ( ) ( ) ( )

4、 ( ) ( ) ( )

5、 ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. a. dog b. cake c. sofa

( ) 2. a. apple b. bookcase c. zoo

( ) 3. a. blue b. black c. brown

( ) 4. a. coat b. shirt c. box

( ) 5. a. man b. boy c. girl


a • c •

f •

b •

d •

e •

g • h •


( ) 1. what’s your name?

( ) 2. an ice cream?

( ) 3. good night.

( ) 4. i’m a chinese boy.

( ) 5. good, but how?

五、听句子,在括号内用数字标上序号。 ( 10分 )

( ) 1 .go home now, david!

( ) 2. my name is liu tao.

( ) 3. let’s go to the zoo.

( ) 4. look at my new dress.

( ) 5. turn on the tv, please.

六、选出你所听到的短语或句子, 将其序号填在括号内。(10分)

( ) 1. a. i’m an english girl. b. close the door. c.good, but how?

( ) 2. a. my eyes are small. b. a tall man c. how are you?

( ) 3. a. turn off the light. b. let’s go to the park. c.i’m fat.

( ) 4. a. it’s nice! b. my hair is long. c.nice to meet you.

( ) 5. a. go to school. b. by *ke c. i’m from nanjing.

笔试部分 (40分)

七、 找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词,将序号填在括号内。(10分 )

( ) 1. a. pen b. ball pen c. dress

( ) 2. a. apple b. monkey c. orange

( ) 3. a. bus b. jacket c. coat

( ) 4. a. short b. tall c. cake

( ) 5. a. black b. egg c. yellow

( ) 6. a. man b. cinema c. super*

( ) 7. a. sister b. boy c. long

( ) 8. a. green b. *ke c. red

( ) 9. a. watermelon b. fridge c. bed

( )10. a. milk b. fat c. tea

八、 判断下列中英文意思是否相符。若相符打√, 不相符打×。( 10分 )

( ) 1. 晚上睡觉前和*说:go to school .

( ) 2. *,这是我的*。miss li , this is my father.

( ) 3. 描述自己的个子不高时,说:i’m tall.

( ) 4. 这是一张课桌。this is a table.

( ) 5. 下午好!good morning.

( ) 6. 我们去长城吧。let’s go to the great wall .

( ) 7. 向别人介绍自己的*时说:this is his father.

( ) 8. 跟别人说再见时说: see you .

( ) 9. 要求帮助打开水龙头说: close the door.

( ) 10. 看我的短裙。 look at my dress .

九、 对号入座,请将ii中相应的序号填入i栏的括号内。(10分 )

( ) 1. look at my new blouse. a. not bad.

( ) 2.how are you? b. yes, please.

( ) 3. see you. c. all right.

( ) 4. a glass of orange juice? d. it’s pretty!

( ) 5. open the window, please. e. see you.

十、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。 (10分 )

______ee_______ _______hh_______ ______ ll______

______rr ______ ______ zz______

