
2023-08-19 00:00:38 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、读单词划线部分,发音一致打 √ ,不一致的打 × 。( )1 a little b uncle ( )2 a born b work ( )3


一、读单词划线部分,发音一致打 √ ,不一致的打 × 。

( )1. a. little b.uncle ( )2. a. born b. work ( )3. a. turn b. sir ( )4. a. scarf b. card ( )5. a. home b. box二、读一读,选出不同类的单词。

( ) 1. a. cheap b. expensive c. scarf

( ) 2. a. pants b. jacket c. nice

( ) 3. a. cow b. sheep c. potato

( ) 4. a. tomato b. apple c. banana

( ) 5. a. sun b. cloudy c. snowy

( ) 6. a. get up b. go to bed c. breakfast

( ) 7. a. skirt b. dress c. pretty

( ) 8. a. library b. playground c. school

( ) 9. a. go home b. lunchc. dinner

( ) 10.a. sunny b. sunglasses c. gloves


( ) 1. the gloves are 98 yuan. they’re _______.

a. cheap b. expensive c. small( ) 2. how many cows are there? __________.

a. 100 yuan. b. twenty c. it’s 10 o’clock.( ) 3. it's 10 o'clock. it's time _______ go to school.

a. for b. to c. of( ) 4. what’s the weather like _____ beijing? it’s ______ now.

a. in; windy b. on; windy c. in; wind( ) 5. it’s hot. so i ____________.

a. take off my sweater b. put on my sweater c. put on my gloves( ) 6. i like ________ white shorts. _______ nice.

a. this; it’s b. those; they’re c. those; it’s( ) 7. ________ clothes are these? they’re my _________.

a. who; father’s b. whose; father’s c. whose; father( ) 8. ________ the teacher’s office? it’s _____ the second floor.

a. where’s; in b. where’s; on c. where; on( ) 9. we can read books in the ________.

a. library b. art room c. music room( ) 10. are they hens? no, __________. ________ ducks.

a. they aren’t; they are b. it isn’t; it’s c. they are; they are四、读一读,选择正确的答语。

( ) 1. is that the com*r room?a. yes.( ) 2. can i * you?b. they are green and white.( ) 3. what colour are your socks?c. yes, they are.( ) 4. whose shoes are these?d. no, it isn’t. it’s the art room.( ) 5. are they green beans?e. they are john’s. 五、填上合适的序号,使其成一段完整的对话。( ) they’re apples.

( ) the apples are one yuan for four.

( ) that’s fine. i’ll take eight.

( ) what are these?

( ) how much are the apples?


1. they expensive very are ( . )


2. dress this chen jie’s is ( . )


3. carrots green beans these are and ( . )


4. it is windy ( ? )


5. is what it time ( ? )



sarah: mum. ______

mom: it’s 6:30. it’s time to get up.

sarah: _________mom: it’s sunny and warm. let’s go shopping.

sarah: great.

mom: ___________

sarah: it’s very pretty.

assistant: ________

mom: yes. _______

assistant: it’s 50 yuan.

mom: it’s nice. we’ll take it.


my happy day

hello! i’m mike. today is my *rthday. it’s 7 o’clock. it’s time to get up. i put on my new green pants and black jacket. i have breakfast at home. it’s 9:30. my mum wants to buy a pair of (一双)shoes for me. they’re one hundred and fif* yuan. i think it’s too expensive. it’s 12 o’clock. we have a picnic(野餐) on the farm. there are many cows and sheep there. at 4:45, i go to the garden and water the flowers.

what a happy day !

( ) 1. it’s _________ o’clock. it’s time to get up.

a. eight b. s*n c. nine

( ) 2. mike wears ____________________.

a. black pants and green jacket.

b. green shoes and black jacket.

c. black jacket and green pants.

( ) 3. how much are the shoes?

a. 105 yuan b. 115 yuan c. 150 yuan( ) 4. they have a picnic ____________.

a. at home b. in the zoo c. on the farm( ) 5. mike goes to garden and __________.

a. plays football

b.feeds cows and sheep

c.waters the flowers

