四年级下册英语期末测试题 四年级下册英语期末测试题可

2023-08-19 16:30:15 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一 辨音(相同的写s,不同的写d)()1 make many ()2 crayon grape ()3 bag skate ()4 me green ()5 she bed ()6


一. 辨音(相同的写s,不同的写d)

()1.make many ()2.crayon grape ()3.bag skate ()4.me green ()5.she bed ()6.this time ()7.english music ()8.open hot ()9.school subject ()10.music kite二. 英汉互译

1.在十点三十分睡觉______________ 2.放学后______________ 3.在星期四上午___________ 4.上一节美术课____________ 5.画画______________ 6.去爬山_______________ 7.晴朗的一天_____________ 9.又累又饿_____________ 10.发烧_________三. 单项选择

( )1.i usually go to school________ s*n ten ___________ the morning.

a. at; on b. on;in c.at;in d.in;at( )2.i don’t have ___________ lessons ___________ monday morning.

a. some;on b. any;on c. any;in d.some;in( )3.——what’s the __________?

——i have a cold.

a. time b.day c.matter d.man( )4.——____________ is it today?

—— it’s tuesday.

a. what b.what day c.what’s day d.what time( )5.——how many _________ do you have this term?

——we have ten.

a. subject b.subjects c.lessson d.lessons( )6.——how many _____________can you see?

——i can see ______________.

a. boat;fif* b.boat;five* c.boats;five* d.boats;fif*( )7.——___________ cat is it?

——it’s my _____________ cat.

a. whose’s;grandma’s b.who;grandma c.who’s;grandma’s d.whose; grandma’s( )8.——what would you like?

—— ________ like a glass of water.

a.i’d b.i’ve c.i’m d.my( )9.——i’m ___________.——can we go ___________?

a.hot; swiming b.cold;boating c.tired;clim*ng d.hot;swimming( )10.i ___________ ill.

a.are b.have c.am d.is四. 选词填空

who, whose, what time, what colour, how much, how old, how1.——___________ grapes are these?

——they’re wang *ng’s.

2. ——___________do you go to school?

——at s*n forty.

3. ——___________ is your uncle?

——about thirty-four.

4. ——___________are your shoes?

——they’re blue.

5. ——___________are the pears?

——they’re twenty yuan.

6. ——___________is the little girl?

——she’s my sister.

7. ——___________are you?

——not so good.

五. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. this is mrs green ___________(speak)。

2. i __________ (can) draw pictures, because (因为) my hand ___________(hurt)。

3. that’s ___________(we) new timetable.

4. whose trousers are ____________(this),su yang?__________(they) my father’s.

5. i’m sorry ____________(hear) that.

6. we have a ___________(skate ) lesson today.

7. it’s time_____________(play) football.

8. the jeans_____________(be) too long.

9. here __________(be) some water for you.

10. can i have____________(any) juice?

11. in spring, we can go___________(boat)。

12. she can ___________(dance),but he ____________(can)。

六. 选择相应的答句,将序号填在括号里。

( )1.what lesson do you have?a. at nine.( )2.can yang ling swim?b.i can jump.( )3.what can you do?c. not so good.( )4.whose shorts are they?d. they’re yang ling’s.( )5.how are you?e. they’re on the bed.( )6.do you like maths?f. i’m hungry.( )7.what’s the matter?g. great.( )8.let’s play football.h.i have english.( )9.where are your socks?i. yes, i do.( )10.when do you go yo bed?j. no, she can’t 七. 将下列句子排列成完整的对话。1.a. great! what can you see in the park?

b.let’s go to the park.

c.all right.

d.they’re beautiful. let’s draw some pictures.

e. i can see some trees and flowers.


2.a. no,i’m thirty.

b.it’s ok.

c.what’s the matter?

d.would you like some juice?

e.are you ill?

f.here you are.



1.a:hello,_________ i __________ to yang ling?

b:hello, this is yang ling _________.

a: yang ling,________ is miss li._____are you today?

b:i’m not _________ good.

a:_______ the ________?

b:i have a __________and a f*r.(感冒)a:i’m sorry ________ hear that.

2.a:good morning,liutao.

b:good morning, yang ling.i like__________.(春天)do you like it?

a:yes,i do.can you fly _________?

b:yes,i________.we can go __________too.

a:yes.it’s a fine __________ today.let’s go ____________.





——__________ do you _____________?

——__________six __________

2. ——你能画这些花吗?


—— can you ________ the ________?

— yes,i can_________.it’s _________.

3. ——你怎么了?——我头疼。

_____ wrong ___ you? i_____________.


___________ is ______? _____ my _____.

