
2023-08-19 18:45:15 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言listening (听力部分)一 、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(10% ) a b c1 ( ) bread red brown2 ( ) chair where sure3


listening (听力部分)

一 、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(10% ) a b c

1.( ) bread red brown

2.( ) chair where sure

3.( ) beef fish farmer

4.( ) people pencil pass

5.( ) milk music mouse

6.( ) science chinese english

7.( ) she shelf short

8.( ) math man many

9.( ) bathroom bedroom classroom

10.( ) twenty thirty fifty

二、听音圈数字。(10 分)

① 40 50 20 ② 13 30 17 ③ 26 43 47 ④ 8 10 13

⑤ 13 18 12 ⑥ 33 43 53 ⑦ 16 56 23 ⑧ 10 40 30

⑨ 19 8 11 ⑩ 15 55 50

三、听音,在后面的括号中标号。(10 分)

c s ( )u n ( )p r ( ) t l ( ) n v ( )

s c ( ) g p ( ) n m ( ) r v ( ) f t ( )

四、听音选择的汉语意思。(5 分)

( )1. a. 我有6 本数学书。

b. 我有16 本英语书。

c. 我有16 本数学书。

( )2. a. 它是黑色的。

b. 它是黑白相间的。

c. 它是白色的。

( )3. a. 我的书包很重。

b. 我有一个书包。

c. 你的书包里有什么?

( )4. a. 让我来擦门。

b. 让我们来擦玻璃。

c. 让我来擦玻璃。

reading and writing (读写部分)


cc jj yy mm


1. 按字母表顺序默写gg——zz 。

2. 默写5 个元音字母。

七、用手写体抄写下列单词。(10 分)

door light fifty quiet science

board music friend fan com*r

八、选出一个与其它三个不属于同一类的单词, 并将序号填入题前的括号里。(10 分)

( )1. a. thirty b. fifty c. four d. too

( )2. a. math b. english c. book d. chinese

( )3. a. blue b. ruler c. green d. purple

( )4. a. tall b. sports c. strong d. quiet

( )5. a. notebook b. floor c. wall d. door

( )6. a. apple b. *g c. pear d. orange

( )7. a. cake b. car c. *ke d. plane

( )8. a. crayon b. sharpener c. pen d. picture

( )9. a. cat b. peach c. rab*t d. duck

( )10. a. friend b. father c. brother d. grandpa

九、选择,将答案填入题前的括号里。(10 分)

( )1. 当有人问你“ 她叫什么名字?” ,你回答:

a. my name is amy.

b. her name is amy.

c. his name is amy.

( )2. 当你想告诉别人你有一个新朋友,你说:

a. i have a friend.

b. i have a new classmate.

c. i have a new friend.

( )3. 下午和朋友见面,你说:

a. good morning.

b. good afternoon.

c. good *ning.

( )4. 当你想让别人看这张图片时,你说:

a. look the picture.

b. look at the picture.

c. see the picture.

( )5. 你想知道朋友说的人是学生还是老师,你问:

a. student or teacher?

b. student and teacher.

c. boy or girl?

( )6. 当你想告诉同学你有42 本故事书,你说:

a. i have thirty –two picture books.

b. i have forty-two story-books.

c. i have forty-two notebooks.

( )7. 当你向别人介绍“ 他是短头发。” 你说:

a. he has short hair.

b. he have short hair.

c. he is short hair.

( )8. 当你想对父母说自己的朋友很文静,你说:

a. my friend is quiet.

b. my friend is strong.

c. my friend is tall.

( )9. 当你想对朋友说“ 他喜欢音乐” ,你说:

a. she like music.

b. she likes music.

c. he likes music.

( )10. 当朋友对你说“how are you?” 你回答:

a. fine, thank you.

b. i’m ten.

c. how are you?

十、从b 栏中选出a 栏问句正确的答句,将序号填入题前的括号里。(10 分)

a 栏b 栏

( )1. what’s your name? a. he’s john.

( )2. how old are you? b. his name is mike.

( )3. how many friends do you have? c. 2 pencils and 5 books.

( )4. what’s in your schoolbag? d. i have 4.

( )5. what color is your pen? e. sure, here you are.

( )6. what’ s his name? f. i’m nine.

( )7. may i have a look? g. i’m fine.

( )8. bye. h. see you.

( )9. who’s he? i. my name is zhang peng.

( )10. how are you? j. black.


i’m john. i have a good friend. he has short yellow hair. he has *g eyes and a small nose. he’s tall, and he’s strong , too. he likes science, painting and chinese. so he has many story-books. what’s his name? guess! yes! his name is mike.

( ) 1. mike has short black hair.

( ) 2. he has *g eyes and a small nose.

( ) 3. he’s tall and strong.

( ) 4. he likes sports ,painting and chinese.

( ) 5. he has many english books.

