
2023-08-21 17:15:22 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、读一读,选择恰当的词完成句子,并将其编号填在题前括号内。( )1 what are you going to do,lele? going to plan



( )1.what are you going to do,lele?

_____ going to plant trees.

a.i’m b.we’re

( )2.why do you love zebra?

_____ they have stripes.

a.but b.because

( )3.what season is it?

it’s _____ spring.

a. a b.不填

( )4.where do monkeys _____?

they live in the mountain.

a. live b.lives

( )5.where do you live?

i live____the earth.

a.in b.on

( )6.do you like squirrels?

yes, i _____.

a.do b. can

( )7.what do you wear in spring?

i wear a _____.

a.t-shirt b.sweater

( )8.why do you love squirrels?

_____they have nice tails.

a.but b.because

( )9.what colour is spring?

it’s _____.because plants grow.

a.green b.red

( )10.he _____ an easter egg.

a.need b. needs


a b

( )1.what are you going to do? a. it’s yellow.

( )2.what season is it? b.i live in sichuan.

( )3.why do you love turtles? c.we’re going to dance.

( )4.do you like dolphins? d.it’s summer.

( )5.where do you live? e.because they are cute.

( )6.what colou is autumn? f. no,i don’t.

三、 单项选择,选择合适的答语并将其编号填入题前括号内。

( )1.what do you wear,lele? ________.

a. i wear a dress. b. i wear jeans. c. i wear a blouse.( )2. winter is here. it’s getting ______.

a.hot b.cold c.warm

( )3. we live in ______.

a.sichuan b.china c.chongqing( )4. look! there is a *rd _____ the tree.

a.on b.in c.at

( )5. it’s hot. it’s time to _______.

a. go skating b.go for an outing c.go swimming( )6.what do you _____? t-shirt.

a.wear b.needs c.put on

( )7. flowers ____in spring.

a.bloom b.blow c.plant

( )8. spring _____ from march to may.

a.last b.lasts c.are

( )9. it’s hot. she ____ a hat.

a.want b.needs c.have

( )10.sorry! _____.

a.that’s ok. b.that’s ok. c.that’s ok.四、 情景对话.

( )1._____________ we wear sweaters.

a.what do you wear in summer?

b.what do you wear in autumn?

c.what do you wear in spring?

( )2.what do you wear,dad? ________

a.i wear jeans. b.i wear a skirt. c.i wear a blouse.( )3.when is spring? __________.

a.from march to may.

b.from june to august.

c.from sept to nov.

( )4.what colour is spring? __________

a.it’s green. b.it’s yellow. c.it’s red.( )5.it’s cold. __________

a. i needs a hat. b. i need gloves. c. he need a cap.五、选词填空。请把方框中的词填在横线上,每词限用一次。

1. leaves turn yellow and fall. it’s _______.

2. trees are green and flowers bloom. it’s _______.

3. it snows. it’s ______.

4. plants grow and *rds sing. it’s _______.

六、 小小翻译家。

1.earth ________ 2.shirt ________ 3.dumplings___ 4.snow _____7.it’s time to go swimming.____________ 8.i need a paintbox. _____________________ 9.i wear a blouse and jeans. ____________ 10.autumn is here, it’s getting cool.___spring summer autumn winter

