
2023-08-22 10:30:37 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、 根据提示补全单词,并抄写在横线上。(10分)1 y ung(年轻的) 2 h lpf l (有用的)3 fr d y(星期五) 4 w kend(*)5 san


一、 根据提示补全单词,并抄写在横线上。(10分)1. y ung(年轻的) 2.h lpf l (有用的)3. fr d y(星期五) 4.w kend(*)5. sandwi (三明治) 6. s l d(沙拉)7. k nd(和善的) 8. str ct(严厉的)9. w tch tv(看电视) 10. play f tball(*足球)二、按要求把单词写在横线上。(10分)1. tuesday(缩略形式)__________ 2.tall (反义词) __________3. tomato(复数)__________ 4. sun.(完全形式) __________5. don’t(完全形式)__________ 6.i would(缩略形式)__________7. know(同音词)__________ 8. foot(复数形式)__________9. fresh(汉语)__________ 10. old (反义词) __________三、找出每组不同类的单词。(10分)( )1. a. cl*r b. polite c. strict d. sports( )2. a. in b. park c. on d. under( )3. a. hamburger b. beef c. hungry d. bread( )4. a. english b. com*r c. chinese d. saturday( )5. a. delicious b. sweet c. healthy d. often四、选择填空。(20分)( )1. i’d like some and beef .a. tomato b. tomatoes c. potato( )2. wang ming is hard-working boy . a. a b. an c. one( )3.i can play com*r *s saturdays .a. in b. to c. on( )4. bananas my favourite food .a. is b. are c. do( )5. --______ miss zhao like? --she’s kind .a. what b. what’s c. who( )6. we have beef and noodles lunch .a. of b. for c. on( ) 7. where the teacher’s office ?a. am b. is c. are( ) 8. –is he young? --_______. he’s 58 years old.a. yes, he is b. no, she isn’t c. no, he isn’t( ) 9. today is .a. wednesday b. wednesday c. wednesdays( )10.-- what would you like to _______? --some tea, please.a. eat b. do c. drink五、问答搭配。(10分)( )1. who is your maths teacher ? a. she’s very funny .( )2. what’s she like ? b. i’d like some rice and soup .( )3. what would you like to eat ? c. mr zhang .( )4. what do you have on tuesdays? d. it’s monday .( )5. what day is it today ? e. we have chinese and science .六、连词成句,注意首字母大写及标点 。(10分)1. funny, i , teachers , like . ( . )2. is , who , music ,teacher , your , (?)3. my , i , wash , often , clothes , (.)4. salad , some , like , i’d . (.)5. do , have , on , you , mondays , what , (?)七、看图选择描述正确的句子。(10分)( ) they are *ful at school .( ) he often plays football on the weekends .( ) he is a music teacher .( ) i’d like some sandwiches and salad .( ) we have an art class on thursdays .八 、 给下列句子排列顺序组成一段对话。(10分)( )no , i don’t . do you often play football here ?( )it’s a story book .( )hi , sarah . what’s that ?( )yes , i do . i like this park very much .( )do you often read books in this park ?九、阅读短文并判断句子是(t)否(f)正确。(10分)hi , i’m a polite girl , my name is chen jie . i study in aimin school .i have many friends at school . amy is my best friend . she is short and thin ,her eyes are small . she’s very cl*r .we like tuesdays very much . we have music and com*r . miss qianis our music teacher . she is young and kind . we have potatoes and beeffor lunch on tuesdays . and beef is my favourite food . it’s delicious and healthy .i often read books on saturdays . on sundays , i watch tv , sometimes i wash my clothes .we all like weekends .( ) 1. chen jie has math and com*r on tuesdays .( ) 2. chen jie’s favourite food is beef .( ) 3. chen jie is short and thin .( ) 4. beef is delicious and healthy . ( ) 5. chen jie often reads books on sundays .

