小学英语 小学英语老师需要什么条件

2023-08-24 15:00:21 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言★这篇《小学英语(pep)五年级上册期末试卷》,是一、听音,选择正确的单词。(10%)( )1 a strict b smart c snake d strong(




( )1. a.strict b.smart c.snake d.strong

( )2. a.tree b.three c.green d.there

( )3. a.pretty b.principal c.play d.plate

( )4. a.fruit b.friend c.from d.fridge

( )5. a.peach b.lunch c.jeans d.play


( )1. a. yes, there are. b. yes, there are.

( )2. a. i like grass. b. yes, i do.

( )3. a. yes, there are. b. there are many *rds.

( )4. a. john. b. john’s.

( )5. a. it’s a sunny day. b. it’s sunday.

三、 听音,将听到的食物和水果打“√”。(10%)

chen jie

miss li

mr he



笔试部分 70%


( )1. a. tasty b. sour c. thin d. salty

( )2. a. bedroom b. closet c. kitchen d. bathroom

( )3. a. village b. tree c. flower d. glass

( )4. a. in b. old c. on d. under

( )5. a. curtain b. trash *n c. fresh d. *ror

( )6. a. fish b. tofu c. tomato d. road


( )1. who’s your english teacher? a. he’s tall and strong.

( )2. what’s he like ? b. mr carter.

( )3. what do we have on monday ? c. i often do homework.

( )4. what do you do on sundays? d. we have chinese and english.

( )5. what do you have for lunch? e. i like apples . they are sweet .

( )6. what’s your favourite food? f. we have tofu and fish .

三、读句子,选择*适合的答句。 (10%)

( ) 1. what can you do?

a. i can make the bed. b. yes, i can .

( ) 2. what's he like?

a. she is strict but kind. b. he is strong.

( ) 3. is she young?

a. she's our principal. b. no, she's old.

( ) 4. what do you have on tuesdays?

a. it's tuesday. b. we have com*r, p.e. and math.

( ) 5. what's your favourite fruit?

a. i like mutton very much. b. grapes. it is very tasty.

( ) 6. what would you like for lunch today?

a. i'd like some beef and two eggs, please b. i like onions and pork.

( ) 7. what day is it today?

a. thursday b. *rthday

( ) 8. what do you do on sundays?

a. i have math, english and chinese. b. i watch tv and read books.

( ) 9. who's that young lady?

a. she's tall and thin. b. she's our principal.

(10) ( ) are there any tall buildings in the village?

a. no, there aren’t . b. no, there isn’t.


can't no i

例:can't no i no, i can't.

*ror is where the *g


tall pretty is miss white and


in there a forest the is park


we tuesdays english on have


*ful home at i’m




_________ there a _______ in your pencil-case?


_________ there _______ pigs on the farm?

3. 我们的城市里有许多高楼。

there are ______ tall __________ in our city.

4. 床头柜上面有一面镜子吗? 不,没有。

is there a *ror on the end table? no, _______ _________.

5. 桌子上有一个苹果,一个鸡蛋和两个橘子。

there _____ an apple, an egg and two _________ on the table.

六.阅读短文,判断下列语句的正误。(16 %)


there is a library in our school. it’s not very *g. it’s open from 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning and from 2:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon. in the library we find(找到) all kinds of books. but there is no english book. we can borrow only one book at a time(一次) and keep it for two weeks. there is a reading-room in the library. it’s bright(明亮) and clean. we can read books there. i like our school library very much.

( ) 1. there are a lot of english books in the library.

( ) 2. there is a reading-room in the library.

( ) 3. we can keep the books for 2 weeks.

( ) 4. the library is open about 3 hours in a day.


mr. green is from london. he is a teacher. he is in china now. he works in a school in beijing. he teaches english. his students all like him very much. he has two children, a son and a daughter. he says the chinese people are very friendly to him. mrs green is in england now. she is coming to china soon.

( )1. mr. green is from _______________.

a. america b. england c. canada

( )2. mr. green works ______________.

a. in a factory b. in london c. in a school

( )3. there are ______ people in his family.

a. two b. three c. four

( )4. chinese people are _______ to him.

a. red b. cold c. friendly


what a beautiful picture! a lovely dog is _____ _____ ______ the house. _____ _______ a *g tree near the house. ________ the tree, there ________ a cat. ______ _______ two boats _________ the river.

