2017年小学六年级上册英语期末检测卷 2017年小学六年级

2023-08-27 19:48:53 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言听力部分(共40分)一、听音练习,把你所听到的单词选入括号内。(30分)( )1 a younger b older c taller( )2 a thinner b


听力部分(共40分)一、听音练习,把你所听到的单词选入括号内。(30分)( )1. a. younger b. older c. taller( )2. a. thinner b. shorter c. heavier( )3. a. *gger b. stronger c. lower( )4. a. cleaned b. washed c. had( )5. a. slept b. stayed c. read( )6. a. watched b. washed c. before( )7. a. went b. saw c. rode( )8. a. fish b. camp c. hurt( )9. a. dining hall b. go cycling c. ago( )10. a. grass b. gym c. easy二、听对话,把你所听到的答语填入括号内。(10分)( )1. how tall are you?a. i’m 1.6 metres tall. b. i’m 1.56 metres tall.c. i’m 1.52 metres tall.( )2. what size are your shoes?a. size 35. b. size 37. c. size 36.( )3. what did chen jie do last weekend?a. she went shopping. b. she went fishing.c. she went camping.( )4. how was your weekend?a. i’ts ok. b. i’ts bad. c. just so so.( )5. why did you go there?a. because i like playing badminton.b. because i like going fishing.c. because i like going cycling.三,听句子判断对错。(对的写“t”,错的写“f”)( )1. that’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.( )2. *ll isn’t taller than before.( )3. she is good at running.( )4. now i love ice-skate. so i like winter.( )5. we are all different now!笔试部分(60分)四、按要求完成作业。(15分)a. 写出下列形容词的比较级。tall——( ) heavy——( ) fast——( )long——( ) small——( ) strong——( )slow——( ) young——( )b. 写出下列动词的过去式。is——( ) go——( ) see——( )are——( ) read——( ) do——( )wash——( )五、单项选择题。(20分)( )1. —did you clean the living room?—yes. i__________a. did. b. do. c. does.( )2. —what did lisa do yesterday?—she __________ to music.a. listens b. listen c. listened( )3. —what did you do last night?—i __________ tv.a. saw b. look at c. watched( )4. she __________ yesterday.a. went fish b. went fishing c. goes fishing( )5. what __________ you do last monday.a. do b. did c. does( )6. before. i __________ quiet. now i’m very active in class.a. is b. was c. am( )7. — __________did you go there?—i went there by *ke.a. how b. what c. where( )8. —did tom like playing ping-pang?—no he __________a. does. b. did. c. didn’t( )9. i __________ a horse yesterday.a. rode b. ride c. rides( )10. john __________ camping last weekend.a. go b. goes c. went六、连词成句。(10分)1. heavy、are、how、you__________________________________________________?2. you、do、what、did__________________________________________________?3. size、what、your、are、shoes__________________________________________________?4. did、go、you、where__________________________________________________?5. happned、what__________________________________________________?七、从b栏选择a栏的正确答语。(5分)a( )1. what did he do the day before yesterday?( )2. did she wash the clothes last night?( )3. what did you do last weekend?( )4. did you go to the museum?( )5. what was the weather yesterday?ba. yes she did.b. i went fishing.c. no. i didn’t.d. he read a book.e. it was raing.

