初一年级上册英语月考试题 初一年级英语书上册

2023-08-30 16:30:19 666阅读 投稿:网友



【篇一】一、听力(15分)1.听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图画。(每段对话读两遍)。2听对话选择正确的答案(每段对话读两遍)(     )6. where will kitty go?a. to the badminton court.  b. to the food shop.  c. to the school.(     )7. when was lily born?a. on january 1.          b. on march 8.        c. on october 1.(     )8. how many chinese students are there in sandy’s class?a. 35.                    b. 38.                c. 41.(     )9. when do they have a com*r lesson?a. on wednesday.          b. on thursday.       c. on friday.(     )10. how does the girl go to school when it rains?a. by *ke.               b. on foot.           c. by bus.3听短文,选择正确的答案。(短文读两遍)(     )11. where was alice born?a. in china.       b. in england.        c. in america.(     )12. how old is alice?a. she is 13.      b. she is 14.         c. she is 15.(     )13. where does she study?a. in no. 5 middle school.b. in no. 15 middle school.c. in no. 50 middle school.(     )14. what does alice like doing?[a. swimming.       b. reading.           c. playing volleyball.(     )15. how does she often go home?a. by car.         b. by bus.            c. on foot.二.单词辨音(10分)(    )16. a. clothes             b. brother            c. hello              d. home(    )17. a. kite             b. know         c. question         d. cat(    )18. a. think             b. thank              c. they              d. three(    )19. a. school            b. chinese          c. chair               d. teacher(    )20. a. my              b. family             c. duty             d. sorry(    )21. a. past          b. father          c. after           d. happy(    )22. a. book          b. would        c. group        d. classroom(    )23. a. like              b. history         c. friday           d. time(    ) 24. a. think         b.thank      c.thing      d.beginning(    )25.a. row        b. boat          c. grow         d. brown

三.单项选择(10分)(    )26. that is ________ basketball. i like _______ basketball very much.a. a; the      b. a; /      c. a ; a       d. / ; /(     ) 27. amy likes __________. she usually swims on sunday.a. swim      b. swims     c. swiming     d. to swim(     ) 28. _________she _________ a ruler?a. have, have      b. has, has       c. does, has        d. does, have(     )29. frank is a _______ football player. he usually plays ve ry _______.a. good ; good    b. good; well    c. well ; good      d. well ; well(     ) 30.  after school, he often ________ home.a. walk to     b. walks to    c. walk       d. walks(     ) 31. millie _________  her homework at school.a. doesn't    b. don't      c. doesn't do      d. don't do(     ) 32. ---can you ____ french(法语)?   --yes, i can _____the word in french.a. say, speak    b. say, say        c. speak, speak    d. speak, say(     )33.  would you like to let him ____________ it again, mr. green?a. do          b. does           c. to do          d. doing(     )34.  my father usually gets up _____six o'clock _____ the morninga. in, on      b. in, at      c. at, in        d. on, in(     ) 35. -----  who's that man?------ ___________.a. he is a teacher     b. he's tall      c. he's jim     d. he comes from america四、完型填空(10分)my brother is a sports fan. he likes _ 1 _ all kinds of *s. he likes basketball, football, tennis, badminton  _2 _ swimming. and he is good at  _3_  football. yang chen is his favour ite football player. my brother is a member  _4_  t he football club. when he goes shopping, he always  _5__  news*s about sports and he often watches sports news. his school is very *g and beautiful. there is a football  _6__ , a tennis court and a swimming pool in his school. he usually plays football  _7_  his friends after school. he wants to  _8_  a football player when he grows up. my brother often goes to stadium(体育馆) to watch the football matches  _9_  the weekend. he  _10_  want to miss any watch. of course, that costs much money.(   ) 36. a. watching      b. taking        c. going           d. coming(   ) 37. a. or             b. but               c. and              d. so(   ) 38. a. *         b. looking           c. seei ng           d. playing(   ) 39. a. in             b. of                c. on               d. at(   ) 40. a. buys           b. talks              c. watches            d. buying(   ) 41. a. playground      b. court              c. field             d. place(   )42. a. of             b. about              c. with             d. and(    )43. a. make          b. take               c. play          d. be(   )44. a. at             b. to                 c. of               d. about(   ) 45. a. does          b. doesn’t            c. don’t             d. do五、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)(a)this term we have a new teacher of english. his name is mr. peterson. he is an australian. he is not very tall and he is thin. he has a round face and small blue eyes.  he wears glasses and they make him look smart. he has dark brown hair.mr. peterson works very hard. in class, he has many good ideas to make the class very interesting. we all like his class. after class, he always encourages us to speak * english. sometimes, he plays *s with us. he is very strong and he can play basketball and football very well. he is good at sports. sometimes he plays table tennis with us, but he doesn’t play it very well.mr. peterson loves living in china very much. he enjoys lots of things in china. he really loves eating chinese food. he loves traveling in china too. he is going to visit xi’an next month.(     ) 46. what does mr. peterson do?a. a doctor     b. a teacher      c. a farmer       d. a worker(     )47. we cannot use _________ to describe(描述)mr. peterson.a. tall         b. thi n           c. smart         d. hard-working(     ) 48. how many ball *s is mr. peterson good at?a. 4           b. 3             c. 2            d. 1(     ) 49. the underlined(划线)word “encourage” means __________ in chinese.a. 阻止       b. 嘲笑          c. 逼迫         d. 鼓励(     ) 50. which of the following is not true(正确)?a. mr. peterson is a very good english teacher.b. mr. peterson enjoys playing com*r *s.c. mr. peterson is a very good football player.d. mr. peterson enjoys his life in china.

(b)jenny and henry were born on the same day and they look the same. their father has a taxi and he is busy all the time. he goes out early in the morning but comes back when his children go to bed. he gets a lot of money, but he has no time to concern(关心)them with their studies.the two children study in the same class. jenny works hard at her lessons, but her  brother doesn’t like studying. he only likes playing. he is not good at writing compositions.(作文)one day mrs. cook tells her class to write a composition “my mother”. after supper jenny finishes writing in her exercise book and then goes to * her mother do some housework. but henry goes to play football. when night comes, he comes back to watch tv. the he remembers the composition. but he doesn’t know how to write it. he thinks hard and at last he finds a way. he copies(抄写)jenny’s composition.two days later, mrs. cook asks henry, “can you tell me why yours is the same as jenny’s?“yes, i can, madam,” answers henry. “we have the same mother.”(     )51. jenny and henry are ________.a. sisters      b. brothers     c. friends  d.students(     ) 52. jenny’s father can’t concern them with their studies because__________.a. he doesn’t like them.       b. he is very busy.c. he is a taxi driver.          d. he only wants * money(     ) 53. henry isn’t good at writing composition because_________.a. he doesn’t li ke studying     b. he likes to listening to musicc. he isn’t cl*r.      d. he is too young to do it.(     )54. henry began to ________ after supper.a. do some housework b. play football c. finish his composition d. watch tv(     ) 55. henry copies jenny’s composition because _______.a. he plays football after supper    b. he forgets to write it before he goes to bedc. he doesn’t know how to write it.   d. they have the same mother.六.词汇运用(10分)(a)根据句意及汉语提示,拼写单词。(5分)1. we ___________(确实) don’t know the date of the meeting.2. the baby has a round face and *g eyes. she looks very _______ (可爱的).3. jim and john are ___________________ (成员) of the basketball team.4. do you like watching basketball ____________ (比赛) on tv?.5.yao ming and jeremy lin are __________(*). they play basketball very well.(b)用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分)6. let’s ________ (be) good friends, will you?7. amy _________ (not be ) at home now.8. my favourite football ________ (play) are kaka and john.9. reading makes sandy __________ (feel) happy.10. sandy, with his mother, ___ ______ (go) to the shopping center *ry sunday.七.句型转换(5分)1.li lei comes from suzhou.(同义句转换)_________________________________________________.2.he plays football very well.(同义句转换)_________________________________________________.3.millie enjoys listening to music. (改为一般疑问句)_________________________________________________.4.mother often goes shopping at weekends.(改否定句)__________________________________________________.5.my uncle looks strong.(对画线部分提问)_________________________________________________?八.翻译(10分)1. 他是你*喜欢的足球运动员?_________________________________________________2.  john每天步行去上学。__________________________________________________3. 她希望她的梦想成真。_________________________________________________4. 让我们放学后一起去打排球。_______________________________________________5. 在我空余时间里,我经常通过电视学英语。__________________________________________________九、书面表达。(10分)这儿有一些你七年级新朋友的 相关*,请根据这些*以“my friend”为题向你的同学们介绍这位新朋友。可以适当发挥想象。(60个单词左右)姓名 amy 年龄 13外貌 短发,苗条,…… 出生地 南京居住地 苏州 班级 七(12)学校 suzhou foreign language school 特长 英语,数学爱好 跑步,游泳,... …

【篇二】第一部分:听力部分(30分)一、听录音,圈出每小题中你所听到的字母1.  a     b      c                2.  g     j       p3.  l     k      d                4.  w     v       u5.  m    w      n                6.  o     p       q7.  d     j       k                8.  a     b      c9.  x     y      z                10.  h     i       j二、听录音,根据你听到的顺序在单词前写上编号(1---10)map      fine      dale      cup         jackethow      what     pen       good        morning三、听录音,选出你听到句子的相应答语(  )21. a. fine, thanks   b. spell it, please.    c. good morning.(  )22. a. it’s red      b. it’s a ruler         c. helen(   ) 23. a. ok.         b. r-u-l-e-r.       c. ruler(   ) 24. a. r-e-d       b. it’s red.          c. a jacket.(  ) 25. a. good *ning.  b. hello           c. good morning四、听录音,选出与听力内容相符的图片(    )26.  a.            b.              c.(    )27.  a.            b.                c.(    )28.  a.           b.              c.(    )29.  a.            b.                 c.(    )30.  a.             b.                c.第二部分:笔试部分(90分)一、交际用语考查单项选择题,选择每小题的答案(    )31 —what’s this?—it’s ________ pen.a. a              b. an             c. the         d. /(    ) 32. —good morning, alice.—____________.a. thank you.                      b. how are you?c. how do you do?                  d. good morning, gina.(    ) 33 . —spell “color”,please.—___________.a. yes, i do.                        b. yes, i am.c. c—o—l—o—r.                d. yes, c—o—l—o——r.(    ) 34. —________ this?—it’s an orange.a. what color is       b. what’s      c. how       d. how’s(    ) 35. —hello, han mei!—_________, sally!a. hello             b. fine         c. thanks     d. fine, too.(    ) 36. what’s this _______ english?a. on               b. in            c. at         d. of(    ) 37.- what is this ?-          .a.  it’s  an  ruler  b. it’s a orange  c. it’s a jacket   d. r-u-l-e-r(    )38. - what color is it ?-           .a. it’s a red    b. it’s red   c. it red        d. is red(    ) 39. —how are you?—__________a. how are you?               b. how do you do?c. i’m fine.                    d. i’m good.(    ) 40.—what’s this?—__________.a. this is a ruler                b. this is rulerc. it’s ruler                    d. it’s a ruler二、语音考查单项选择题(1)找出每题中不含有相同发音的答案(   ) 41. a. ee        b. dd         c. bb          d. yy(   ) 42. a. ff        b. xx         c. mm         d. ww(   ) 43. a. jj        b. vv          c. hh          d. kk(   ) 44. a. uu       b. yy          c. ww         d. qq(   ) 45. a. oo       b. ll           c. mm         d. nn(2) 找出每题单词中划线字母发音不相同的答案(   ) 46. a. dale      b. frank       c. jacket(   ) 47. a. *ning    b. pen        c. red(   ) 48. a. hi         b. fine        c. in(   ) 49. a. ruler       b. blue        c. cup(   ) 50. a. ok        b. no          c. orange三、字母考查单项选择题,选出每题的答案。(   ) 51. 英语字母共有个,其中元音字母有个。a. 26;  5          b. 26;  3         c. 24;  5(   )52. 下列选项中的一个单词中含有五个元音字母的选项是__a. orange         b. dialogue         c. jacket(   ) 53. 在四线三格中占格相同的一组字母是:a. a  c           b. g   d           c. d  f(   ) 54. 字母“h”的正确书写笔顺是:a. h      b. h      c.  h(   ) 55. 下列字母都是由三笔完成的一组是:a. b  f           b. f  e           c. h  m(   ) 56. 下列字母前后顺序正确的一组是:a. ghi             b. cdf             c. mnp(   ) 57. 英语字母中有两个字母即可作字母又可作单词,它们是:a. a  i           b. h   a           c. i  f(   ) 58. 下列字母中的第一笔书写笔顺是一样的一组是:a. m   n           b. k  o           c. b   d(   ) 59. 可以表示“千克”的是:a. cd              b. hb             c. kg(   ) 60. 下列说法错误的是:a. 小写字母f占三格b. 英语句子的第一个单词的首字母必须大写c.  大写字母e由四笔完成四、能力拓展题(一)按要求填写下列空位61. 字母e减一笔就成了大写字母_______, 它对应的小写字母是______62. 字母t 加一笔就成了大写字母_______, 它对应的小写字母是______63. 字母oo按字母表的顺序它前面的字母是______, 后面的字母是_____*. 唐诗宋词有许多是借用颜色来 表达诗意的。下面的古诗中少了表示颜色的单词,请用你的巧手为它们着“色”,写出相应的英语单词。春风又江南岸,明月何时照我还?毛浮绿水,掌拨清波。两个鹂鸣翠柳,一行鹭上青天。65. 写出下列大写字母的小写字母。bee bag   bed    face(二)交际运用。从对话后方框中选出能填入空白处的选项, 其中有两项是多余的。a:       66b: good afternoon, frank.a: what’s this in english?b:       67a:       68b: r-u-l-e-r.a:       69b: it’s white.a:       70b: that’s all right.(三)看图完成对话。71.  a: hi, alice! what’s this in english?b: it’s an _________.72. a: and what’s this in english?b: it’s a ____________.a: can you spell it, please?b: yes.73. a: is this a pencil?b: no, it’s a ________.74. a: what’s this in english?b: it’s a ____________.a: what color is it?b: it’s green.75. a: what’s this?b: it’s a _______ of china.(四)在四线三格中抄写下列句子

【篇三】第二部分(80分)一、 按顺序默写26个大小写字母,注意格式。(13分)

二、单词拼写(找出下列单词所缺的字母,并将其编号填写在题号前的括号内)( 10分)( )1. bl___          a.fter   b. et      c. er       d.ue( )2. t____t        a. ah   b.ih    c. hi      d.ha( )3. gr___ n         a. ee    b. or     c. ar     d. ea( )4. f____ ne        a. e     b. i    c. u      d.a( )5. m___           a. i     b. u      c. n      d.y( )6. wh____         a. ar    b. er     c. at       d. ot( )7. j____ ket       a. ec     b. ac   c. oc       d.ic( )8. p___p le       a. el    b. ur      c. ol      d. al( )9. q____ lt       a. iu      b. ui      c. wi      d.iw( )10. plea____     a. es     b. se    c. ss      d.ee三、单项选择(下面各题的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的番号填在题前的括号内,17分)(    ) 1.当你在早晨上学路上遇到同学的时候,你可以说____________a.good morning!  b. thanks ! c. good *ning! d. good afternoon!(    ) 2.下列大写字母是两笔完成的是_______________a.ghp       b. xqp    c.sim       d. rko(    ) 3.当对方帮了你的忙后,你应该说_______________a. ok  b. i am ok.  c. how are you  ?     d. thanks !(    ) 4.- how are you ?-a. fine, thanks.  b. how are you?  c. how do you do?   d. nice to meet you.(    ) 5. 当你不认识某物时,你应用英语向别人问a. what’s this ?   b. what this is ? c. what color is it ?   d. this is what ?(    ) 6. - what color is it ?-           .a. it’s a red    b. it’s an red   c. it red      d. it’s red(    ) 7. - what is this ?-          .a. it’s ruler   b. it’s a orange   c. it’s a ruler     d. it’s pen(    ) 8. what’s this       english ?a. on    b. ok   c. in      d.to(    ) 9.-- it’s yellowa. what’s this ?   b. what’s color is it?   c. how are you ?   d. what color is it?(    )1 0.”cctv”的中文意思是a.英国广播公司b.中国*电视台c.*职业篮球协会     d.不明飞行物(    )11.― spell it , please.―a. m-a-p           b. m-a-p        c. m-a-p     d.m-a-p(    )12.英语字母共有个,其中元音字母有个。a. 48;  3          b. 26;  3         c.48;  5       d.26 ;  5(    )13. 选出不同类型的一项a. yellow            b. brown           c. key         d. black(    )14.what color is ________jacket ? it ’s blue .a. the             b. a             c. an        d./(    )15 hello,li ming !____,mike!a. good     b.fine      c.hello   d .bye  d.ok.(    )16.以下字母都是元音字母的是a.a ,e,i,o,u     b.a,e,l,o,u     c.a,b,c,d,e     d.a,e,i,u,v.(    )17.this is       orange. it’s         red book.a. /; a          b. /; an         c. an; a         d. the ; a四、将下列单词组成句子,(注意首字母的写法及标点符号)。(12分)1. you   how   are  (?) ______________________________2.is   in   what   english   this (?) _________________________________3.am   thanks    i   fine (.) __________________________4..it  color  is  what (?)  ________________________________5.*ning  bob  good(.)  __________________________6. jacket,   the,  is,  black (.)__________________________五.从(b)栏中选出与(a)栏匹配的句子。(8分)(a)                              (b)(   )1. sit down(请坐), please         a. good *ning.(   )2.good morning .                  b.hi,li lei!(   )3.good afternoon .                 c.i’m fine ,thanks.(   )4good *ning.                   d. good morning.(   )5.how are you ?                   e. it’s red.(   )6.hello,eric!                      f. good afternoon.(   ) 7. what’ s this in english?           g .thank you..(   )8 what color is it?                  h. it’s a book.六、把下列短语、短句翻译成英文。(10分)1.用英语________________         2.i ’m ok._______________3.什么颜色_____________           4.ufo________________5.一支红色的钢笔________________  6.thank you____________7.黑白相间________________        8.hb________________9.激光唱片________________       10.an orange orange ____________七、补全对话,每空一词。(10分)a:          morning , eric .b: good          , cindy .a:       are  you ?b: i’m  fine ,        . how  are  you ?a:      ok . thank you .b: oh , look (看) !        this  in  english ?a: it’s  a  pen .b:        it , please .a: p- e- n .b:               is  it ?a:       black.八、假如你是frank, 早*遇见了bob, 你们互相问好,*你问bob手上拿的东西(地图)用英文怎么说,以及拼写。他告诉了你,你感谢他。请用英语根据以上提示写一段对话:(10分)frank: ____________________________________bob:  ____________________________________frank: ____________________________________bob:  ____________________________________frank: ____________________________________bob:frank:

