人教版初一英语上册第二单元测试题 初一英语上册第二单

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前言这篇关于人教版初一英语上册第二单元测试题,是classnamemarkslistening test parti 听单词并选出




listening test part

i. 听单词并选出你所听到的单词 (10分)






( ) 1. a. *ll b. david c. jim

( ) 2. a. helen b. joy c. kate

( ) 3. a. andy b. tim c. john

( )4. a.jenny b.tom c. miss gao

( )5. a. lucy b. mary c. li ping

written test part

iii.选择填空 (10分)

( )1. –is that a watch?


a. yes, it is watch b. no, this is a watch c. yes, it’s a watch

( )2. what’s __________ name, please?

a. it b. you c. her

( )3. –what’s this in english?


a. it is sharpener b. it’s a pen c. yes, it’s a pencil

( )4. --_________ you baseball? --yes, it is.

a. it is b. is that c. that is

( )5. –is that your backpack? --yes, it is. it’s ________backpack.

a. his b. her c. my

iv. 在含有相同元音音素的一组单词或字母前写“t”,不同的写“f”(8分)

( )1. name bag ( )2. and thank

( )3. aa hh ( )4. oo qq

v.看图完成对话 (10分)

1 2 3

1. –what’s this ____________english? --it is ______________.

2. –and what’s this? --it is _____________.

3. –is this an eraser? --no, it __________. it’s _____________.

--is it __________pencil? --_____________, it’s my pencil.

vi. read and find: what are they talking? (将正确的图片代号填入小对话代号后面) (8分)

a. han mei: is this your pen and your book?

li ming: yes. and here’s your pen and your book.

b. –excuse me. is this your ball?

--no, it’s not my ball. i think it’s his ball.

c. –look, this is my ruler.

--and this is my eraser. it’s nice.

d. jill: is it a pencil sharpener?

mrs brown: no, it isn’t. it’s a pencil.

a. _______________________

b. _______________________

c. _______________________

d. _______________________

vii. can you read the notice?(将文中的主要*填到横线上) (8分)


my com*r *.

my name is alex.

please call 6*-7654.

lost:_____________ name: ____________ phone: _____________

viii. david捡到一块手表,请帮他设计一则“found notice”,他的电话号码是:235-0286。 (8分)

ix.任务型阅读:find the owner(阅读对话,帮他们找到自己的物品,用线条连接) (8分)

a: look, what’s that?

b: it’s a pencil case. is it yours, jane?

a: no, it isn’t. oh, i know, it’s sue’s. that pen is sue’s, too.

b: is this her book?

a: no, it’s my book. my name--“jane” is on it.

b: and is this your eraser?

a: no, this is *ll’s eraser. and what’s this, sam?

b: it’s a ruler. it’s my ruler. what about this pencil?

a: that’s my pencil.

b: here you are.

a: thanks.

sam jane *ll sue

x. write a story according to the pictures.(根据图画的内容写句子) (20分)









单元测试 unit 2 is this your pencil? 听力及参考答案


i. 听单词并选出你所听到的单词

1. five 2. her 3. pencil 4. name 5. that 6. case

ii.1. m: excuse me, *ll. is this your watch?

w: no, it’s his watch.

m: what’s his name?

w: david.

2. m: helen, is this your id card.

w: yes, it is.

m: here you are.

w: thanks.

3. w: what’s this in english, john?

m: it’s a baseball.

w: is it yours?

m: no, it’s tim’s.

4. m: hi, is this your com*r, jenny?

w: no, it isn’t it’s my brother’s. his name is tom.

m: it’s a nice com*r.

5.m: mary, is this your backpack?

w: i don’t know. open it and see what’s in it.

m: a pencil case, two books. oh, here’s a name—lucy.

w: so it’s lucy’s backpack.. give it to her, please.


i. 例. five 1. her 2. pencil 3. name 4. that 5. case

ii. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a


iii. 1.c 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.c

iv. 1.f 2.t 3.t 4.f

v. 1.in, a, book 2. a, clock 3. isn’t, a, pencil, your, my

vi. ①c ②a ③d ④b

vii. com*r *, alex, 6*-7654

viii. eg.:

found: a watch

is this your watch?

please call david.

phone: 235-0286

ix. sue—pencil case, pen jane—book

*ll—eraser sam—ruler, pencil

x. eg.:

(1) –what’s this? oh, it’s a nice watch.

(2) –hello, is this your watch? --no, it isn’t. i think it’s her watch.

(3) –hello, is this your watch? --oh, yes, it is my watch.

(4) –here you are ….. ---that’s ok.

