二年级上册英语期中试卷试题整理 小学二年级英语期中试卷

2023-09-05 09:00:06 666阅读 投稿:网友





一. 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×。(2*10)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )

5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( )

9. ( ) 10. ( )


11. ( ) a. b. c.

12. ( ) a. b. c.

13. ( ) a. b. c.

14. ( ) a. b. c.

15. ( ) a. b. c.


16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( )

19. ( ) 20. ( )


1. tab___e 2. j___mp 3. s____eet 4._____rass 5. *c____cle

6. ____ly 7. li____e 8. cle____n 9. ____ose 10. b_____rd


一. 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。

cow sofa walk rab*t umbrella


1. panda horse *rd bear

2. skip climb fly bed

3. ferry plane train car

4. lamp vain bed table

5. duck sleep pig elephant


1. 2. 3.

spotty can climb. i like to write. it‘s a table.

spotty can swing. i like to dance. it’s a lamp

4. 5.

the pencil is under the book. i can ride.

the pencil is on the book. i can fly.

四.读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ 。

1. what can spotty do? ( ) spotty can run. ( ) i can run.

2. what do you see? ( ) i see a duck. ( ) i hear a duck.

3. how are you? ( ) thank you. ( ) fine, thank you.

4. do you like winter? ( ) yes, i don‘t. ( ) no, i don’t.

5. where do you live? ( ) i live in shiyan. ( )i love shiyan.


1. don‘t ride a *cycle here.

2. kitty is under the sofa.

3. close the window, please.

4. spotty! come here.

5. i’ve got four eggs.



i. 听录音,圈出听到的单词:(10%)

1. hen pen 2. *g pig

3. have has 4. book look

5. eyes ears 6. window door

7. tree three 8. love live

9. bear hear 10. sheep ship

ii. 听录音,圈出听到的句子:(6%)

1. a. this is a dog. b. this is a pig.

2. a. i can see an orange. b. i can see an apple.

3. a. i live in shanghai. b. i love shanghai.

4. a. close the window, please. b. open the window, please.

5. a. draw a duck on the *. b. draw a chick on the *.

6. a. there is a cat under the chair. b. there is a hat on the chair.

iii. 听录音,圈出正确的应答句:(10%)

1. a. i live in beijing. b. i’m from beijing.

2. a. i’m five. b. i’m fine.

3. a. yes, i am. b. yes, i do.

4. a. it’s a square. b. it’s blue.

5. a. i hear a *rd. b. i see a *rd.

vi. 听录音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示:(10%)

1. i can see a panda. ( )

2. look at the chick. it’s yellow. ( )

3. the lamp is on the bed. ( )

4. a rubber is on the desk. ( )

5. clean the desk, please. ( )

vii. 听录音,连线:(10%)

1. *g and brown

2. fat and pink

3. small and thin

4. black and white

5. tall and grey


i. 书写,按字母表顺序写出d~n的字母:(6%)

ii. 根据例词,写出下列物体的颜色:(6%)


1. orange- 2. banana-

3. frog- 4. sun (太阳) -

5. moon- 6. leaf-

iii. 根据例词,将下列单词分类:(12%)

ice-cream tiger pear pen *scuit postman

purple doctor brown ruler cow peach

1. panda: 2. lemon:

3. cake: 4. policeman:

5. black: 6. pencil:

iv. 选择:(10%)

( ) 1. who is he? he is brother.

a. i b. your c. my

( ) 2. what you see? i see a policeman.

a. are b. can c. do

( ) 3. i live shanghai.

a. in b. on c. at

( ) 4. look! this is my sister and this is .

a. me b. i c. my

( ) 5. i like play.

a. to b. / c. and

( ) 6. listen the clock.

a. at b. to c. in

( ) 7. there a doll on the floor.

a. am b. is c. are

( ) 8. is your dog? under the tree.

a. what b. where c. what colour

( ) 9. is your mother a good teacher? yes, .

a. she is b. he is c. i am

( ) 10. it’s very cold. put on coat, please.

a. your b. you c. i

v. 根据下列情景选择正确的句子:(10%)

1. 你想问别人看到了什么,可以问:( )

a. what do you hear? b. what do you see?

2. 你不喜欢冬天,可以说:( )

a. i don’t like winter. b. i like winter.

3. 你叫别人不要在*地上行走,可以说:( )

a. don’t walk on the grass. b. don’t walk on the ground.

4. 上课时,老师请同学们仔细听,可以说:( )

a. listen to me. b. look at me.

5. 告诉别人你要吃冰淇淋,可以说:( )

a. i like to eat ice-cream. b. i have an ice-cream.

vi. 根据答句选择正确的问句:(10%)

( ) 1. yes, it’s under the tree.

a. is the star on the tree?

b. is the star under the tree?

( ) 2. yes, i do.

a. do you like the snowman?

b. may i have a hot dog?

( ) 3. i can swim.

a. what can you do?

b. what can spotty do?

( ) 4. it’s brown and yellow.

a. what clour is it?

b. what is this?

( ) 5. she is my sisiter.

a. who is she?

b. what is she?



一. 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×。(2*10)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )

5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( )

9. ( ) 10. ( )


11. ( ) a. b. c.

12. ( ) a. b. c.

13. ( ) a. b. c.

14. ( ) a. b. c.

15. ( ) a. b. c.


16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( )

19. ( ) 20. ( )


1. tab___e 2. j___mp 3. s____eet 4._____rass 5. *c____cle

6. ____ly 7. li____e 8. cle____n 9. ____ose 10. b_____rd


一. 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。

cow sofa walk rab*t umbrella


1. panda horse *rd bear

2. skip climb fly bed

3. ferry plane train car

4. lamp vain bed table

5. duck sleep pig elephant


1. 2. 3.

spotty can climb. i like to write. it‘s a table.

spotty can swing. i like to dance. it’s a lamp

4. 5.

the pencil is under the book. i can ride.

the pencil is on the book. i can fly.

四.读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ 。

1. what can spotty do? ( ) spotty can run. ( ) i can run.

2. what do you see? ( ) i see a duck. ( ) i hear a duck.

3. how are you? ( ) thank you. ( ) fine, thank you.

4. do you like winter? ( ) yes, i don‘t. ( ) no, i don’t.

5. where do you live? ( ) i live in shiyan. ( )i love shiyan.


1. don‘t ride a *cycle here.

2. kitty is under the sofa.

3. close the window, please.

4. spotty! come here.

5. i’ve got four eggs.

