外研版小学二年级英语下册期末测试题 小学二年级英语外

2023-09-07 01:30:19 666阅读 投稿:网友



一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。 20%

( ) 1. a. summer b. winter

( ) 2. a. panda b. tiger

( ) 3. a. plane b. train

( ) 4. a. bed b. bag

( ) 5. a. puzzle b. puppet

( ) 6. a chinese b. english

( ) 7. a. s*n b. el*n

( ) 8. a. bee b. fox

( ) 9. a.go to school b. go home

( ) 10.a there is a box. b. there is a bottle.

二、 听录音判断,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。16%

2. 3. 4.

三、听录音, 给句子标序号。 4%

( ) 1. what do you like?

( ) 2. i can see a plane.

( ) 3. what lessons do you have?

( ) 4. draw you and me.


一、 选出不同类的单词。6%

( )1. a. tiger b. panda c. sister

( )2. a. doll b. one c. yo-yo

( )3. a. chinese b. music c. winter

( )4. a. count b. three c. eight

( )5. a. blouse b. boat c. jacket

( )6. a. bear b. train c. jeep

二、 根据所给中文, 选出相应的英文单词,在括号内写出相应的序号。8%

( )1、猴子 a.lion b. monkey c. bear

( )2、数学 a.maths b.boat c.dress

( )3、秋天 a.puppet b.nine c.autumn

( )4、男式衬衫 a.dress b.shirt c.t-shirt


2. 3. 4.


( )1. what do you like? i like _______.a. tiger b tigers

( )2. what can you see? _________a plane.a. i can see b.i have

( )3. how many?a. pe b. eight

( )4. do you like winter? a. no,i don’t. b. yes,i don’t.

( )5. 我可爱的洋娃娃。可说 _________. a.a little *rd b. my lovely doll

( )6. 当你进商店买东西,营业员对你说__________.a. can i * you? b. what can you see?

( )7. where is the tv?,________.a.it’s on the table. b. there is a tv.

( ) 8. it’s time to go to school. a. good night. b. goodbye.


a b

( ) 1.good morning. a. i like bears.

( ) 2. can i * you? b. i can see a doll.

( ) 3.what can you see? c. thank you.

( ) 4. what do you like? d.yes,i do.

( ) 5.here you are. e. good morning.

( ) 6. do you like summer? f. i’d like a shirt.


let’s count the eggs. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.it’s time to go to the park.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------


1.the, clean, water, let’s, keep (.)

2.a, is, box, there (.)

3.go home, to, it’s, time (.)

4.winter, you, like, do (?)

