
2023-09-07 09:45:11 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言笔试部分一、 找出下面每组里不同类的单词,将其序号写在题前的括号内。( )1 a thin b tall c boy d fat( )2 a



一、 找出下面每组里不同类的单词,将其序号写在题前的括号内。

( )1. a. thin b. tall c. boy d. fat( )2. a. helen b. father c. mike d. wang *ng( ) 3. a. a b. two c.six d. three( )4. a. milkman b. postman c.teacher d. woman( )5. a.apple b. orange c. banana d. egg二、 从b栏中选出a栏相对应的英文选项,把序号写在前面的括号里。

ab( )1. 早上好,*。a. take off your coat.( ) 2. 新年快乐。b.these are my books.( ) 3. 这些是我的书。c. good morning,mum.( ) 4. 脱下你的大衣。d. have some rice,mike.( ) 5. 吃些米饭吧,迈克。e. happy new year ! 三、 从b栏中选出a栏相对应的回答,把序号写在括号里。ab( )1. good morning .a. they are carrots.( ) 2.clean the desk ,please.b . merry christmas !( ) 3.what are those?c. thank you.( ) 4. merry christmas !d.all right.( ) 5.here you are .e.good afternoon. 四、 根据中文意思写单词。1.医生________ 2.椅子________ 3.牛奶________ 4.短裙________ 5.蝴蝶________ 6.老师________ 7.蚂蚁________ 8.喜欢________五、选择,把所选答案的序号写在前面的括号里。

( )1. the bell is ________you.

a. for b. to( )2. what are those? they are________ .

a. ant b.ants( ) 3. what________ you do?

a. cow b. can( ) 4. 当别人送你礼物时,你应该说________ 。

a. thank you . b. all right.( ) 5. 当别人感到冷时,你应该说:________ 。

a. put on your coat. b. take off your coat.( ) 6. what’s your father? 用英语怎么回答?

a. he’s a teacher b.she’s a nurse.( ) 7.你*是做什么工作的用英语怎么说?

a. what’s your father ? b. what’s your mother ?( ) 8. 他是谁用英语怎么说?

a. who’s he ? b. who’s she ?( ) 9.请把桌子擦干净用英语怎么说?

a. clean the table ,please. b. clean the chair,please.( ) 10. 这些是什么用英语该怎么说?

a. what are these? b. what are those?( )11.----________he ? ------he’s a doctor.

a.who’s b. what’s( ) 12. ________is my brother.

a.he b. she( ) 13. ----what’s she?------she’s________ .

a. a teacher b. my mother( ) 14.look ________the moon.

a. at b. and( ) 15.that’s ________nice pencil.

a.my b. i六、排列句子,将下列单词排成一句话。

1. like , milk , i


2. are , you , here


3. the , is , for , cake, you


4. coat , on , put , your



1. who’s he?


2. he’s my father.


3. she’s a teacher.


4. look at the moon .


5. all right.


6. here you are .


7. thank you.


8. the bell is for you.


9. put on your coat.


10. take off your sweater .



一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写下括号内。

( )1. a. cake b. cook ( )2. a. table b. desk ( )3. a. doctor b. hot dog ( )4. a. coat b. skirt ( )5. a. sweet b. chocolate ( )6. a. tomato b. potato二、 听录音,把你所听到的句子的序号圈出来。

1. a. clean the table ,please.b. clean the chair,please.2. a.merry christmas !b.thank you .3. a.put on .b.take off.4. a. i like rice.b.rice is nice .5. a. what are these ?b. what are those ?6. a.they are ants.b. they are flowers. 三、 听录音,给句子标上序号。( )1. godd morning,suhai.

( ) 2. what are these? they are ants.

( ) 3. look at the moon .

( ) 4. what’s your father ?

( ) 5. happy new year!

( ) 6. it’s so cold.

四、 圈出你所听到的字母。

1. a a r r 2. g g j j 3.c c s s 4. b b d d 5. l l i i 6. m m w w 7. v v u u 8. e e y y 9. p p q q 10. z z k k

