小学三年级英语下册期中考试题2017 小学三年级下册英语

2023-09-08 15:00:40 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言listening part 听力部分 (50分)ⅰ 写出你所听到的字母(大小写)。 (6分)ⅱ 听音,根据你所听到的单词按顺序排号。(10分)( ) ( )


listening part 听力部分 (50分)ⅰ.写出你所听到的字母(大小写)。 (6分)ⅱ.听音,根据你所听到的单词按顺序排号。(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )ⅲ 听音,圈出正确的数字。(6分)a 2 5 8 b 9 4 5c. 7 5 10 d 4 10 6e. 6 9 1 f 1 3 7ⅳ.听音,圈出正确的颜色。(12分)( red , blue, yellow) ( red , blue, yellow)(green, white, black) (orange, white, black)(red, pink, brown) ( orange, green, purple)v.听音,圈出你所听到的单词相对应的图片。(8分)a.b.c.d.vi.选出你所听到的单词,并将其标号填入题前的括号内。(8分)( ) 1. a.red b.white c.green( ) 2. a.one book b.three chairs c.two keys( ) 3. a.his b.her c.school( ) 4. a.name b.boy c.girl笔试部分(50分)i.写出下面字母的大写或小写字母。(7分)b d e f g h j k m q r u v yii.看图连线.(10分)4mouth umbrella eraser teacher fishmarker pencil hand apple keyⅲ..look and write .看图选择合适的单词填在相应的横线上。(6分)___the desk the desk the deska. on b. in c underiv.看图连线。(10分)tenninesixfiveeightv.根据情景选择句子。(12分)( )1.开学了,班里来了一名新同学,班主任问他:a.what's your name? b.hello( )2.你要把jenny介绍给同学jim认识,这时你应该说:a.my name is jenny. b.this is jenny.( )3.听到别人问你“how are you?”,你应该回答:a.how are you? b.fine,thanks.( )4.如果你去吃饭,服务员会对你说:a.what's your name? b.hello( )5.如果别人对你说“nice to meet you!”,你应该回答:a.how are you? b.nice to meet you too!( )6.如果别人把书借给你,你应该说:a.three. b.thanks.vi.读一读,选择合适句子的序号填在括号里。(5分)( )what’s this? a. her name is jenny.( )what’s her name? b. bye!( )where is my book? c.it’s red.( )goodbye! d. it’s a desk.( )what colour is it? e. i don’t know.

