三年级英语练习题 三年级下册英语题大全试卷

2023-09-10 15:00:29 666阅读 投稿:网友




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chine 加拿大

canada 中国

teacher 学校

boy 教师

school 男孩

book 窗户

pencil case 女王

window 书

queen 铅笔盒

blackboard 黑板


one three=----------------------------------- ten -four ==---------------------------

five one =--------------------------------- two six ------------------------------------

three two =---------------------------------- four five =---------------------------------

four ---two =---------------------------- nine -two =--------------------------------

one two =------------------------- five five=---------------------------------


1、what's your name ?-------------------

a hello b hi c my name is danny .

2、she is a girl .what 's ----------------name ?

a your b her c his d my

3 how are you ? ----------------------------

a i am ok . b how do you do ?

c five ,thank you .

4 what is this ?--------------------------

a thanks . b her name is wang hong

c i t's a chair .

5 ---------------------------- i don't know .

a how are you ? b where is my books ?

c may i have one pencil , please .

6 where is your school ?

a there it is b okey c thanks

7 how many books do you have ?-------------------

a thanks b i have one book .c i'm very well .

8 jenny , -------------------the window ,please !

a in b on c close

9 nice to meet you .----------------------

a good-bye ! b i'm fine ,thanks .

c nice to meet you ,too .

10 hello! how ---------------you today ?

a are b is c am

11 li ming is -------------------friend .

a he b my c the

12 this is ------------------------boy .

a an b a c the

13 h ow many ------------do you have ?

a pencil b pen c pencils

14 what ----------------is it ?

a books b colour c three

15 where is the danny ?

it is -------- the desk .

a open b close c under

五、 英汉互译。(5*2=10)

1、i live in china .----------------------------------------------------

2 see you later ------------------------------

3 have a lovely day --------------------------------------

4 这是一个男孩。--------------------------------

5、三把椅子 -------------------------------------


1、open please book your


2 is friend my he


3 books no me for


4 my favourite blue is colour


5 what it colour is



orange red the green


yellow pink black

