外研版小学三年级英语下册期末复习资料 外研版小学三年

2023-09-10 19:30:26 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、词汇归类(一)餐食类breakfast早餐 tea茶,茶叶 vegetable蔬菜(二)科目类english 英语 chinese汉语,语文 maths 数学mu




breakfast早餐 tea茶,茶叶 vegetable蔬菜


english 英语 chinese汉语,语文 maths 数学music音乐 pe 体育

science 科学 art美术 com*r计算机,电脑


monday星期一 tuesday 星期二 wednesday星期三 thursday星期四 week周

yesterday昨天 tomorrow明天


thir* 十三 four*十四 fif*十五 six*十六 s*n*十七 eigh*十八

nine* 十九 twenty二十 thirty三十 twenty 二十 forty四十 first第一 second第二


nice友好的 shy羞怯的 quiet文静的 old年代久的,老的 round圆形的 afraid担心的

young年轻的 beautiful美丽的 worried担忧的,忧虑的 lazy懒惰的


play football *足球 play basketball 打篮球 play table tennis 打乒乓球

ride a *ke 骑自行车 pick摘 stamp跺脚 ask *.a question问某人问题

go to school上学 go to the zoo去动物园 go home回家 go to work 上班

go shopping 去购物 go swimming去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼fly kites 放风筝 watch tv看电视 sleep睡觉 have breakfast吃早饭 have classes 上课

have a picnic去野餐 have english上英语课 play 玩耍 walk to school步行上学 have got 有 come back回来 open the door开门 look at看 put on穿上


lots of许多的 be good at擅长于 quite good很好 last week上周 next week 下周on monday在星期一 on tuesday在星期二 on wednesday在星期三 on thursday在星期四 on the phone通电 at home在家 at school在学校

in the morning早上 in the afternoon下午 in summer在夏天 by bus 乘公车 by car乘轿车 by *ke 骑自行车 have breakfast吃早餐 in the countryside在乡下 all right好,行 under your chair在你的椅子下面 in your bedroom 在卧室里 in the park在公园里 on the first floor在第一层 on the second floor在第二层


1. she is very nice/shy/cl*r/quiet/naughty.她很好/害羞/聪明/安静/调皮

2. this little girl can’t do her maths.i’m going to * her.


3. it’s very long/old/*g/tall/wide/high.它很长/老的/大的/高的/宽的/高的

4. what will you do? i’ll go to the zoo/go to school/go to the park.


5. will we have breakfast at 7 ? yes,we will./ no,we will have breakfast at 8.


6. will we see the tiger?yes,we will./no,we won’t.


7. we’ll pick fruit . i’ll pick ten apples.我们将采摘水果。我要摘10个苹果

8. will you take your ball/kite to the picnic tomorrow? no,i won’t.

明天野餐你会带球/风筝吗? 不,我不会。

9. on monday, i’ll go swimming.周一,我将去游泳

on tuesday,i’ll play with my friends.周二,我将去和朋友玩

10. here are his arms. here is his leg.这些是他的手。这是他的腿

11. there is a small monster.there are twenty-four hands.


12. are there many children in your class?yes,there are.no,there aren’t.


13. how many apples are there in the box? there are thir*.


14. he works hard. he isn’t lazy.他工作努力。他不懒

15. she is quite good at maths.她很擅长数学

16. they were very young.but they are very old now.他们以前很年轻。但是他们现在很老了

17. your hair was very short.yes,now it’s long.你的头发以前很短。是的,现在很长

18. were you on the second floor ?yes,we were.你刚刚在二层吗?是的,我们在

19. i was very worried.我刚刚很担心

