my friend deb*e’s two daughters were in high school when she experienced s*re flu-like symptoms. deb*e visited her family doctor, who told her the flu bug1 had passed her by. instead, she had been touched by the “love bug” and was now pregnant.
the *rth of tommy, a healthy, beautiful son, was an *nt for celebration, and as time went by, it seemed as though *ry day brought another reason to celebrate the gift of tommy’s life. he was sweet, thoughtful, fun-loving and a joy to be around.
one day when tommy was about five years old, he and deb*e were driving to the neighborhood mall. as is the way with children, out of nowhere, tommy asked, “mom, how old were you when i was born?”
“thirty-six, tommy. why?” deb*e asked, wondering what his little mind was contemplating2.
“what a shame!” tommy responded.
“what do you mean?” deb*e inquired, * than a little puzzled. looking at her with love-filled eyes, tommy said, “just think of all those years we didn’t know each other.