this is a story from strange tales from make-do studio. mr sun of luoyang married the daughter of a magistrate1(地方法官) . about twenty days after the wedding, his wife died of illness. sun was extremely sad. one rainy day, an average-looking girl came to his house and said: "my name is lu wu*ng. i ad*e you for losing your wife at such a young age. i ad*e you for your courage at this difficult time. i come to offer *. i am willing to be your maid."
mr sun saw that she was *, generous, di*t2, kind and able to read and write, so he accepted her as his concu*ne(妾,*) , rather than as a maid. he later married a woman named xu a year later, xu bore him a boy as her own child. ahjian loved lu wu*n * than his mother. when ahjian was three years old, xu fell seriously ill, and she told sun, "wu*ng loves ahjian. please let wu*ng be the wife after i die." in tears, sun promised he would do so.
n*rtheless, he could not follow through on his promise because his family did not give its permission. his family elders dictated3 that sun marry a woman named wang, the daughter of an official. wang, short-tempered, often beat and scolded wu*ng and ahjian. there the whole family was neither in harmony nor tranquil4(安静的) . sun went far away from home to avoid the shrewish(泼妇一样的) woman.
after a while, wu*ng could bear it no longer. she took ahjian and escaped. she told him about what had happened in the family and his son's whereabouts. while telling the story, she was weeping and crying and then suddenly she fainted, falling on the ground. sun rushed to * her, only to find her clothes on the ground. she had disappeared. by then, sun realized that lu wu*ng was the incarnation(化身) of a *. in memory of lu wu*ng sun set up a to*tone with the epitaph(碑文,墓志铭) : "tomb of lu wu*ng, my * wife."