once upon a time when myths1 and legends lived. there were these flying horned horses called unicorns3.
unicorns were very scared of people because people were always so violent and mean to all of the other animals that they caught. unicorns always lived alone in the woods.
one day when a little girl (elaine) was out playing in the woods and stumbled4 upon a young unicorn2. they became wonderful friends.
elaine would come out *ry day and play with her new friend. elaine *n named the unicorn moiraine after her mother. the unicorn loved elaine and elaine loved the unicorn.
elaine made sure n*r to tell anyone about her new friend because *ryone new that unicorns were for*dden to play with. (the townspeople figured they must be *erous otherwise they would have had them as pets by now).
it made elaine very sad that she could not bring moiraine home to show all of her other friends, but she knew that if she did moiraine would surly be killed by the townspeople. *ry day elaine went out to play with moiraine until she was 16 years old.
then all of the sudden she just didn't come to see moiraine. moiraine was very sad. elaine didn't come for four years.
during that time someone got into the village and ate all of the sheep so a lot of hunters came into the woods looking for all of the unicorns because they figured it must have been them that killed the sheep.
moiraine ran away until she could no longer run to escape the hunters in hope that one day her best friend elaine would come and play with her again. so she lived in the woods in excited expectancy5 of her friends return.
one day moiraine was out on for a walk and saw ealine with a handsome young man. moiraine ran to go and play with her with sheer6 exc*ent!!
but elaine said no! moiraine didn't know what to do.
so elaine explained that she was married now and no longer had time for childish7 *s.
moiraine was so heartbroken that she went away and hid n*r to be seen again
the end