an ox, grazing in a swampy1(沼泽的) meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to death.
one that escaped ran off to his mother with the dreadful news. "oh, mother!" said he ,"it was a beast - such a *g four footed beast! that did it." "*g?" quoth the old frog, "how *g? was it as *g" -- and she puffed2 herself out to a great degree- "as *g as this?" "oh!" said the little one, "a great deal *gger than that." "well, was it so *g?" and she swelled3 herself out yet mere4. "indeed, mother, but it was, and of you were to burst yourself you would n*r reach half its size." provoked at such a disparagement5 of her powers, the old frog made one * trial, and burst herself indeed.
so men are ruined by attempting greatness to which they have no claim.